Friday, March 7, 2025

Mark Escarcega, Short Note: ( My Question for Charlie Moore.)

Hello Dear Steve Fagan and Charlie Moore:

I think I heard this statement while listening to you Charlie. Someone said they wanted us to become like Atomatrons, What is an Atomatron? It sounded important for us to become like Atomatrons, I think this is the wrong spelling for this word but maybe you can understand what I’m talking about. I hope you can help me with an answer for this. Thanks, and I’m so grateful for you guys, I hope a can possibly thank you enough at some point.
Mark Escarcega



  1. Charlie Moore says


    I am not sure what you are asking, I do not know what Atomatron is.


    • Mark Escarcega says

      Hello Charlie Moore:

      An Automaton is a person that fallows along in the anti-civilization, someone that automatically fallows.) The information was given by Tom Carry on Saturday nights Mentor training. He was reading from Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Chapter 109 the last one to die. Tom was explaining to us what we must not allow to happen in our lives, (Becoming Automatons in an Anti-Civilization.)

      Ok Charlie Moore, Have a wonderful weekend. I’m looking forward to your teachings with Steve Fagan on Sunday evening. You two have a very blessed weekend. Mark Escarcega

  2. Mark Escarcega says

    Hello dear Charlie Moore:

    I’m not going to go back and listen to find what exactly was said. It’s not that important to me.

    What’s important is when someone talks about finding ways to build the future or bring it to us. (This is regarding or relates to Tuesday nights Mentor Meeting 9/27/2011)

    What’s not important is when people just want money first and then say (you find the way!), but I’ll love and kiss you for the money and so will all my dump suckers who fallow, for perverted love.

    Because nobody really can handle, the real C. of U. project development and building process. There too busy crying the blues for money first in an Anti-civilization, with all the rest of the packs of wolves doing the same thing. (Money First, Money First, then will try to find a way.)

    There is a slogan that goes like this (Do what you love and the money will fallow.) On this Earth people love money first, The C. of U. is not of first interest. It’s only an interest when money comes first. So that’s why we have a never ending cycle of death, and it will stay that way for those who live by that mentality. HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaa
    That’s Great.

    Steve Fagan said as individuals we should be somewhat Selfish. So I and Susan, along with those children and people who put the love of life and the future first, before money, we all can share in real and pure love and life even as we wait for the future. So, we just watch how all the chickens run around like chickens with their head cut off trying to get a life by grabbing Money first and end up destroying all life for themselves to do it. HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. (O how fast an intelligent group of people will take a nose dive to death for a money cop out.

    That has happened everywhere, but it hasn’t happened to Susan and I, and it won’t, because we don’t think like chickens with our head cut off, and neither does anyone else that truly believes in the C. of U. World for Mankind.

    Thank you dearest Charlie Moore if you were patient enough to read this message. I won’t put myself into a Chicken coop like that. I work from the top down, not from the bottom in that type of chicken coop or might I say the Great Accuser of the Brethren, people after money first. They always end up paying the price and lose their lives, for money is not a God. HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Charlie Moore, I guess everyone fails at some point, even as a group. This Tuesday let me just brush everyone off and help them back on their horse. Please don’t get upset, leaders come out and step up to lead, it could be any one of us at any time. Why just Sunday evening Michael biggs picked me up back onto my horse when I asked for his help, I’m grateful for that.
    Good night Charlie Moore, Have a good night’s rest. Your Mentor Student, Mark Escarcega

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