Monday, February 24, 2025


It did not dawn on me how valuable of an investment I was making at the time I became an Active member at the first of this month.
My health was too bad to join last year, I needed to wait, healing took-up most of my time. Pretty much home bound for years now, bleeding from the nose, ears, and throat. I have to be really careful not to choke, and I have.
Death is a familiar place, spirit is, in spirit or unconscious from pain, I healed. I have read parts of the book of life, seen things others do not even know could be.
My scull was shattered and crushed, my frame was, they repaired and continue to repair, I am at a 100% now, beating a 0.1 % of ever waking-up from that coma. With lots of help from people who care about me.
Last Spring when I quit the calls, my scull started setting it does that as it repairs, but this time I thought I would be asking for the morphine, and never make it back.
Suddenly the top of my scull straightened, then the back moved forward, the pain let-up, I was more awake, I made the 50/50; I would be alright, no morphine for me!
But that is not why I am writing this, it’s because of the people who stood by me, the people who I listen too and proudly call Mentors.
You just do not know how much you have helped me. even today your the best people in the world! Never doubt it, thank-yous.


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