Sunday, February 23, 2025


Counsciouness-looking within.I realize that anything you apply your mind too & activate some iniatative you will get results. I feel the reason most people are still bicameral. The way they were programmed from parents, teachers religious leaders etc.Since these people have the power to make your day very difficult, if you don’t conform.That eventualy you stop trying., because the results are always the same. Alot of us lack the education, resources to start our own business. This may sound like excuses, but for alot of us it is reality.



  1. Mark Escarcega says

    Hello bob Iamarre:

    Your comment seems true for a lot of us. Let’s focus on the end results of all are most beautiful dreams come true of peace, love, happiness and life eternal. Then let’s take each and every step we can to live all of them come true. God-men strength to you as you go forth, for your own sake and all of ours who also believe in the C. of U..

    Thanks for hanging in there with all of us;
    Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

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