Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Powers Call

Wow, Linda, Icame in late & couldn’t wait to hear it on the replay; wow, inspirational, very powerful & brought tears to my eyes, while I was listening to it. You brought me into a new plane, as well as, took away a couple of Mysticisms that I had; I couldn’t take notes, due to your testimonial, so I listened while answering my e-mails, then went to Lady Liberty’s EarthCam, where I just paid even close attention to what you were saying. Even thought, I tried to write down, your sayings, I couldn’t wait till you posted it, so I could copy it, save it, then print it, so I can add it to my wallet. I’ll also be adding it to my LiveJournal & my Myspaces, so it may inspire others, the way it did me.
You’re an inspiration & can’t wait for more.