Sunday, March 9, 2025

Church of Inspiration

I have listened to the Church of Inspiration for the third time today. I must admit that a lot of valuable information is given out on this call(like all the calls). It helps and it makes you think about yourself and the world around you and reality. I came to a realization today that I didn’t even think about. I have been watching my money because it is very tight. I recently purchased a winter coat for a whopping $7.50 yesterday.
While listening to today’s call and listening to Jill Reid, I realized that the power is inside me. Having grown up in constant negativity, I have been telling myself that I cannot do it. While listening to the other speaker, who I believe was Bill Kyle, I realized that my negativity which has existed for my entire life because of my upbringing has really stopped me from moving forward. This “AHA” moment has happened before and I just didn’t know that that was what it was. Thank you for your words both of you. This is a small step and a necessary one.