Sunday, March 9, 2025

Christ Consciousness

Hello everyone Thank you Steve, Charlie, and callers for a really great call tonight. Thank you for expressing your personal integration’s concerning the shaking up of peoples thought patterns. We have had so many people throughout history that were willing to “break eggs” as Steve put it. We are so blessed in these days to have access to the great literature and recorded history of man on a global scale. Frank Wallace, and Mark Hamilton are truly special Mentors of bringing the world the truth. Like those of old, they have given much so others to can know. We are blessed that we are here to testify of their truth. We can testify of what was meant to be, and what is still possible. We are living in a dispensation that allows us the ability to share the truth to all the world. The world will awaken, and it feels so good to know that we can help this phenomenon to occur here and now in this lifetime for the benefit of all the earth. How great the glory the C of U will be when every man women, and child is able to learn, grow, and love themselves beyond the earthly definition of love. When as Charlie mentioned history, rational, and logic become the essence of pure love, honesty, and value creations. To anyone who are still seeking to define your FNE I suggest releasing all your earthly perceptions and allow what is inside you to openly flow wherever it may take you. You are so much more than you ever could imagine. As you surrender your minds limitations the essence will flow.It reminds me of the movie ‘What Dreams May Come’ with Robin Williams. Everyone has their own personal heaven waiting to be created except we don’t have to wait till death arrives to realize those dreams. Learning to nourish yourself differently involves pure love for yourself. The religions state to love thy father and mother. To love thy neighbor. Ali brought up the key begins with purely loving thyself first. Mark Hamilton’s letters begin with how great you are. How you can have everything you ever wanted and so much more. Thank you all for spreading the love.Tina l.