Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Response to listening to call of October 18th

Hello dear Mentors,

I am still listening to the call of October 18th. I have been a member for a few months in 2014 and have become a renewed member tonight. I am a level I member in the Global Information Network. My first connection to Mark Hamilton was by the reference made by Kevin Trudeau to him and after watching him station the prime law I was ‘taken’. I have been reading some of the material that is publicly available and I have found it very profound. I would like to react to the subject of the call. We are indeed living in interesting times. America is the place where all things comes together. At the same time it is perhaps an example of a prison state, but at the same time the most enlightenment seems to be developing in the States. Most of the whistleblowers come from the States. I feel everybody has to make his own decision as to when and where to do what based on what you have learned through Neothink and/or GIN. We all are endowed with free will. At the same time to move things forward yes we need leaders that are daring. I feel the time has come for more than one leader to emerge. Kevin could be well out of prison soon and I have no clue if Mark would take a leadership role. I would like to quote a Dutch proverb that says: “Change the world, start by changing yourself”. It has to do with momentum, but that momentum needs to be started and maintained and sped up inside of ourselves. All is energy. So increase your inner work and you will be shown it in the outside world. You will see yourselves stepping up, because of your growth. I have noticed that within myself there is still a lot of fear in diverse forms, that prevent me from stepping up. So I need to work on that. That is my first logical step. Then I need to create financial and thus time freedom so I can step into my friday night essence and become the leader we need to help propel this world towards a world based on the prime law! I do not know how, but I will. So your ego translates your deep seeded wish for this world into a form of impatience. Accept the impatience as a form of that deep seeded wish and celebrate that! But please let the impatience not hold you back to stay on track! Thank you for this change to express myself. This as all is on my personal note. If I have offended anybody by my remarks remember they are a mirror of my inner and do not relate to you, unless you decide to relate to it. Kind regards, Edwin.