Monday, March 10, 2025

(The Glory of Almighty God-man within us and the C. of U.)

Hello Dearest Steve Fagan, Charlie Moore my Assinged partner, and Dearest Mark Hamilton and all our beloved Families, Brothers and Sisters, elders and all friends:

This is brother Mark Escarcega again. I hope you all are up in the clouds flying highest in the kingdome of the C. of U.. As we continue on, on this Earth and focus on all our dreams come true. Please, do not forget or delay or dubble think, or give up, or dought or go to another smaller puzzle piece of your dreams come ture, without first giving your full attention and adheareance to your absolute topmost Biggest, finest and greatest of all, most invaluable dream come ture.

Never Stop living and growing that biggest dream first. We have to make sure we create those top dreams come ture for all of us, Those dreams are imparitive to all of us) in other words, we cannot go without them we have to have them. They are curcial to our continued existence. And we also love you so very much for those greatest of all dreams. So let’s all make them come true for all of us. a-men.

There’ a beautiful song that comes to mind as I write this. Just this part come to mind.- (Come on people now, smile on your brothers now, everybody get together and let’s love one another right now, right now, right now,) Beautiful words.

This Mentor meeting, I mentioned that The churches using Fear and guilt tatics, intimidation stuff. I said that it was totally evil. Well the whole world uses that, they use that to generate money to live. We all had to find a way to servive and grow. But us in the C. of U. have found out, that technology is now obsolete to us. It not only hurts civilization and humanity, it eventually destroys life for all of us and everyone forever. (It is too outdated)

We are all responsible to now teach the New technology of the C. of U. the Neothink Technology, the Technology of the future. We have to get out there in the world everwhere and just work to help everybody everywhere we have involvment with the Anti-civilization. That means everwhere on Earth. Lots and Lots of people know about living a good and better life, but they don’t know how to harness their good works with Neothink technologies. We have to help them all we can, everywhere, and always. That is a great part of our lives, it is what we have to do for the C. of U.. (We may have to White Hat Neo-cheet some but we do it for the good of all in develop the C. of U..

So, let us not focus too much on the damgae, we already know about the damage Black neocheeters cause. Let us all Foucs on the creation of values for all of us, our cure and the cure for all the Earth and it’s people. We are not the victoms, We did not Black Neocheet to get where we are. The real victoms are the Black Neocheeters because they had to stupe to such a low as Black Neocheeting. They are victoms of their own desease, and they are dead in existence on earth, without real love and life. (No amount of horrer can top that) and they have become that way from Black Neocheeting.

So don’t feel like a victom any more. “We are not the victoms”. What we have to do is fix the problems that affected our lives. We only need to descuss the problems in order to focus on what we need too do too fix each problem in our own lives. Therefore, as we work on value creation, and solving are problems, We will be creating those greatest of all dreams come ture.

So, let’s continue with the forward movement, the upword movemnt, with all speed, for the completion of those one and only topmost dreams or ours come ture, first. We are all here for those dream to come ture first. So I pray brothers and Sisters, elders and all families, members and all friends. Lets all get them on the table, learn to not be affraid. We need to hear all of them, and work to make them all come ture. Beause we love the C. of U. so very much, more then anything, and we love you the same for being a part of it. (Real Love and Real Live in all it’s ways)

So, with all love and life in all it’s ways, to all of you dearest Steve Fagan, Charile Moore, Dearest Mark Hamilton, all Families, Brothers and Sisters, elders and all Friends:

Thank you again with all love in all ways of th C. of U. Yours truly;

Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or MarkandSusan14 or Mark Escarcega