Tuesday, March 11, 2025

My integrations on (Ch: 99-100) Miss. Anna’s Sec.

Hello dear Tom Carry and Larry Wert:

The puzzle pieces that Miss Annabelle’s students have put together are so large they created a whole new future of everyone. We are asked to participate and build the C. of U. right here on earth;(Each one of Us.) With that, each one of us has a foucs on our dreams come ture, too be built for the sake ourselves and all of us, to have a better life, a C. of U. life even here on earth; forever.

So we are asked to dream our most highest Esscense value and bring them forth. Well, what I would ask is that I could create a beautiful life and life around me. But since you are asking also that we dream our supper puzzles and believe we can make them come ture for all of us, too injoy a more beautiful life and world. Well, My dream that is beyond the Bicameral Mantality is this:

Now this is a big Super puzzle piece, I would like to bring my precious Susan back, so that we can work together and continue living and building all our dreams come ture together. We would have to work to adjust our timming again back to a normal age time for both of us. Now that is the level of dreaming and building super puzzle pieces we should all be on, in one way or the other.

Now dear Tom Carry and Larry Wert, we, all of us should have some sort of Super Puzzle he or she is working on for their own personal life at the level of mine, (A Truly Dream Come True Beyond Measure Of Any). This is the whole purpose of us being here, to create a beautiful future and the C. of U. here on Earth. I want to remind you and all of something.

What do you think about all we are doing here? Do you take it as just a joke to play in life? Are we spending time just going along for a financial gain and fun ride? or do we really and sincerely mean to live those Super Puzzles pieces of our life dreams come ture. I can tell people here mean some business.

But we also really have to believe in those Super Puzzle Pieces of our own, open up to them, start getting them out on the table some. So we can all get to those Super Puzzle piecese and work together to build them for each and all of us. That is our (Priority Business) in all of life.

And in working our Priority Businesses we also are wroking to help Mark Hamilton Build the C. of U. to the best of His ability, too bring us all into that C. of U. on Earth. I would ask that all of us pay very close attention to your presonal Super Puzzle Pieces, get some of the information out to all of us too work on together.

Let’s all tie them together with Mark Hamiltons work and (Really, Honestly and Truly Believe In Them) let’s all give it are all and build those most special dreams of yours and mine and make them come ture for you and all of us.

With all love and life, in all it’s ways Your Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or Mark Escarcega. God-man bless you all so very much.