Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Good News delivered by Jesus

Steve Fagan and Charlie Moore delivered a compelling expose that shed a strong light on the lies and illusions created by the church and the political system based on misinterpretation of the teachings of Jesus. The church leadership and the political elite basically turned “The Kingdom of God Within You” into a nightmare for everyone and pushed the world to live in fear, feel guilty(Jesus only convicted the elite). “You must be born again before you can enter the kingdom of God,” the Kingdom of God within you. Now know that Jesus was referring to CONSCIOUSNESS. Now compare this to the church illusion created around being born again, and politicians’ exploitation of this to seek “elected political office. This was a solid session. It wiped all my mysticism. And this is just my first session. This is fascinating! Thank you Mark for inviting me to join you. Thank Steve, thank Charlie for such a powerful session.