Monday, March 10, 2025

A Steve Jobs integration…

Thanks for a wonderful call tonight. Neothink Sunday was great. Sorry we got cut off guys. Bad signal. What I was gonna say-

I wish Bill Gates and Paul Allen could hear tonights call. In light of that I must say;

“Can you picture what would be, if Bill, Paul, and Steves, Friday night essence had been…medical technolgy?”

We will miss Steve Jobs. We’d say the same for Bill Gates, Paul Allen, or any of them if they had perished like Steve from such an awful disease.

Yes its true that will all his money abd power, Steve couldn’t save himself from cancer. However, let ponder what would’ve been if they had taken on medical technology-

Instead of electronics technology, and creating a new computer industry, let’s imagine they instead found a love for medical technology, and found and developed a secondary technology from it. What if it was called disease displacement technology.

Disease displacement technology becomes a superfast advancing technology just like computer technology. In this field and durring its run, people are miraculously cured of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hiv, etc. At some point, the technology reaches a standstill. Because the only technological direction to take, is to continue on with eliminating the disease of aging and death.

However, a standstill… because a technology is needed to move forward… a technology yet to be developed. Because in our imaginary ponder, Bill, Paul, and Steve took another direction. A direction that didn’t develope abd evolve computers and electronics in the way we’ve known.

So in our imaginary ponder, the lack of computer/eectronics technology leaves their medical technology at a standstill and waiting for the computer geniuses to come about.

The discoveries they made are what shoukd now be opening the doors for us to move forward and start using their examples, and their technologies to advance technologies in other fields. So basically, Steve Jobs was a warrior in this fight. He didnt change his direction to save himself…because he had to stay focused so that he could give us the advancenents that would save his children, his grandchildren, and so on.

In essence, we must move forward. If this handful of geniuses can revolutionize the computer industry, then together we can free the geniuses within ourselves through our Friday night essence, and we can revolutionize every technology including medical.

Thanks to everyone. The calls are great. I’m really enjoying this. Much love to all