Monday, March 10, 2025

Dying to self is hard

In recent months I have been exposed to reading materials and teleconferences that has rattled the foundation of my inner core. I find it very hard and compelling trying to make sense of this broken world. I believe in a savior that would come and deliver us from the evil deeds of mankind, Jesus’ return. I believe that if I prayed for someone to be healed, they receive healing, and have witnessed this with my own eyes. I believe that the dead could be brought back to life, and can attest to that also. I believe in a supernatural ability that we as humans do not appropriate, because we have not been trained to harvest these powers. The comfort that I have is knowing I am more than able to accomplish anything I set my heart to do, and yes it takes discipline. I believe in a supernatural being, some call him God, others call him energy, whatever. The fact reminds that there is something out there, forces, both positive and negative that we are connected to. This does not negate the fact that I am a self leader, and responsible for my actions. This is not the mystery to me.

What is mystery to me is, the god man. How does a man learn to be a god, if he does not have a point of reference, a role model and person who has achieved godhood? Men thinking they are gods, without a reference is what has gotten us into the current situation we find the world in today, not a very good prognoses. Men do not process enough love in their hearts to be a god, if they did, it would be evident, and I am sorry to say, it is not evident.