Monday, March 10, 2025


Hopefully a quick note at this time to me the tsm comes down to decission making maybe at least ten sec. are needed. I really appreciated S Reppela showing up.I tried to get into npowers 99@ but for now wouldnt let me in. Is this right? got something to run by Reppla is there an e in his name or not? Reguarding this some one mentioned stress level? i learned something called healthy pressures i would say same thing its alright to be aware of that some how to take action or maybe not and think it thru or over. Living thinking speaking above the fear line is pretty cool maybe we can discusss that some time. Like Discovering God Man Fearing no one its in the Herilooms. It was a trainning i did that involved a few yrs. but pays off if you work it. Later Bye for now your friend Dan