Monday, March 10, 2025

A Message Of Hope For One And For All Of Us; From Mark Escarcega; (My Integrations And Holly Comments, 11/08/2011)

Hello dearest Madam President Jill Reed, John Smrek, all Families, Great Friends and are Pest:

The last answer is (The purpose of life it to prosper and live happily.

But there’s something wrong with that. When you look deep into it, it’s the same as saying (When in an Anti-Civilization, Do as the Anti-Civilization Does or When in Roam Do as the Romans Do.) If we ever want to see a Civilization of the Universe or our portion of a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us on Earth, We can’t live like that.

We must connect ourselves with the C. of U. world and bring it down to earth for each of us and for all of us. That means we must live as a C. of U. lives or a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us would live and bring it to the entire world around us and to our own personal lives.

This would mean: We must live a life of Service, Trade and exchange of Good and Values and our tools may or may not be money, but our gain of a beautiful life should not diminish, it should continue to grown in love, life, peace happiness, honor, respect, humanity and dignity, value and beauty for one and for all of us; in all ways. This is how we can all grow into a C. of U. on Earth or you may say, A Kingdome of Heaven, Bliss, Garden of Eden or a paradise on Earth. Anyway This Is How We Can All Work Together And Create That C. of U. on Earth. I can guarantee you that other way will never work, that’s for sure, and if you look deep enough you will see for yourself that the first way will not ever work, it has to be the Second way I mention to work. We cannot live honestly and do as the Anti-Civilization does; (THAT IT.)

Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega