Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mark Escarcega, Hello to all; (My Comment and Integration again for all of us.)

Hello Dear Steve Fagan, Charlie Moore and our Guest Speaker Steve Rapella also all Families, Friends and our pets:


Thank you all so very much Mentor Trainers for this stimulating night of Sophisticated Intelligence Discussion. And thank all my class mates for all the very great needed support you give all of us. Dearest Steve Rapella, I’m absolutely not kidding when I say, you have truly been that Awesome Blessing that we were told was coming to support all of us. It seems very difficult to thank you enough for your great support to all of us. Thank you so very much again Steve Rapella.


Dearest All Friends, I truly believe we can all save our America from its destructive path. We all Americans have to work as one great team effort, first to save ourselves. Now that we all have a way to live and thrive in total peace, love, happiness and life, in all ways and forever more through Mark Hamilton’s Teachings, We can all make it. (But we must all work together on this project Pure Peace, Love, Happiness and Life in every way and everlasting.)
(Note: Through all the problems, we have become the strongest safest nation on earth; so let’s don’t knock it too much at this point.)

Dear great friends, none of us has the absolute answer for all of us. We all must Combine our great GM efforts, and keep Combining them to keep growing. Let’s do it. Let’s join America all together first and add in the entire world to help for the sake of all Civilization and our planet Earth. Due to Mark Hamilton and Family and Friends, we all have the way to make things work out for good and forever.

Now let me add my suggestion loved ones. Since we have just found this new door to pure love, life, happiness and peace eternal, knowing there was not a door for us in the past. We must all forgive the passed up to this new door we found. I mean it. We much forgive the entire past, take that step now, and forgive the entire Civilization. And then now, as we all go forth into the future, think About This:

As we all go forth into the future, let’s put all our greatest efforts on humanity for all human life and our Earth. Keep those thought in your mind first and let’s all work on them with our absolute best efforts and never stop. With this top priority in our minds, we must put numbers and money second. This has to be so or we will not make it. This is not to say we can’t be wealthy, because we can and absolutely wealthy. This is only to say that we really can’t put anything before our effort to heal and take care of Humanity and our earth, for all of us, the whole Civilization and our Earth.

Those persons that committed such evil acts, will have a purpose in life to make up for it, too the loving world around them or expect to pay a consequence that isn’t worth it. This is just the way all of us must do to heal are selves and the entire world around us. Not one of us is to blame up to this point for anything, because the entire Civilization did not have the answers we all needed. And just now we are finding all the right answers to everlasting pure love, life, happiness, humanity and peace for all of us.

So now let’s all go into the new door of life and all give our greatest efforts to fix everything, but this time fix and make everything right. Together we can and will do this; it is America’s goal for all of us and the entire Civilization and for our Earth. God-Man’s best to all of you.

With Love, Yours Truly:
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega