Sunday, March 9, 2025

Seeing Your FNE Through

I want to thank Steve & Charlie for asking me to come on the call tonight so that I could express myself… I thank you all… Love, Elaine

In preparation for tonight’s call Steve & Charlie asked us, “What did you do to overcome your bi-cameral mindset so that you could find your Friday Night Essence?”

I had to stop trying to follow the ideas of others and believe in myself and my inner god being’s mind potential for fully integrated conscious thought; excluding outside influences by taking control of what I choose to believe.

I decide not to follow other’s ideas but rather create my own. This is what is called the mystic-free mind that generates the Supra Power Mind that I read about in Mark Hamilton’s book Inside Secrets.

Inside Secrets, Page 297

On this page, we read, “Generating the supra power of a mystic free mind is not positive thinking, seeking to attain a cosmic consciousness or higher consciousness. It is not the subliminal mind, the subconscious mind, the spiritual mind or any other form of automatic “higher power” acquired through mystical faith or effortless believing.

No, for all those good sounding but false, mystical approaches deliver exactly the opposite of what they promise. All those mystical approaches in one way or another diminish the power of the conscious mind, —- the human protective system, the human immune system. All of those mystical approaches short-circuit the mind to block or prevent limitlessly wide mental integrations.

By contrast, super wide integrations lead to omnipotence over all people whose teachings are blocked or restricted by mysticism. Once free of mysticism, any healthy human mind can make ever wider, ever more powerful integrations to discover the omnificent Neothink Mind.”

Churches and other types of thought development programs require you to FOLLOW a specific pattern towards accomplishing the goals or objectives of the program. This is not limitless knowledge.

This is configured programming that limits your personal mind potential to integrate into wider and wider dimensions of conscious thought development.

The very fact that these processes and programs set, as it were, a diagram for accomplishments is limiting in it’s over all nature for it designates the outcome. Expansive thought perceives no limit, it is ever evolving into higher peaks of understanding that in turn provide a grander view of the possibilities and potentials to come… It is wide scope thinking, this is thinking that is continually searching for potentials and possibilities into a far reaching creative process through value creation.

Example in one of my art education classes, Form, Design, and Color, one assignment was to be able to paint a perception of space. You must be able to represent ambiguous space, and show a point of infinity.

Just linking these two terms together represent the possibilities that are unseen and yet they must be represented pictorially. The only way to do this through imagery is to create a 3 dimensional model, for instance, the shape of a triangle at its base is wide and at its tip is minuscule.

In and of itself it is flat – one dimensional, however now make that triangle shape a roadway street and draw buildings lining the street on both side in perspective with the larger building appearing at the base of the triangle and continuing along the line of the triangle sides, getting smaller to the tip and you have created a perception of three dimensions leading into infinity, you cannot see the point of infinity and yet the progression of buildings along the sides of the street indicate a continuance past the point of view, (the infinite projection).

This is an effect of (thinking in pictures).

With many mystical teachings the outline is flat and limited as it must FOLLOW a designated diagram that does not fit all possibilities. In this way it is a limiting and not limitless perspective.

Just as the Universe is expansive beyond the point of visual infinity, so is our mind, when freed of limiting ideas capable to expand (using knowledge) into wider and wider scoped integrations and patterns of understanding leading to more advanced personal development in each of our lives.

The Key is becoming a Self-Generating, Self Lead perceptual being who through ever expanding knowledge, and by following fully integrated honesty can expand beyond visual limits into limitless understanding and powerful creative abilities simply through thought.

Anything that places limits on life is un-natural and therefore will not lead you into your full potential as a self-generating god being.

Page 300 Inside Secrets:

“That final elimination of subconscious mysticism is what suddenly lets the mind integrate all knowledge over infinitely wide ranges. In addition, with a mystic-free mind, the left and right brain can, for the first time, fully integrate together to deliver synergistic power. And that mystic-free, left and right brain integration is what propels the human mind into wide-open, supra-powerful, Neothink integrations.”

Attributes of a Value Creator:

Always building to the next level.
Value creation frees you from the burden of life and delivers true happiness…

Breaking three Anchors:

1. Politicization of Society causes a restriction of freedom, which retards progress leading to a stagnated life.

2. Stagnation, due to suppressed value production causes the burden of life which extinguishes the will to live and the excitement for living leading to…

3. Expectation of Death – Not understanding the real tragedy behind death as being that stagnation of life causes you to believe that life is dispensable.

Life is indispensable, when we share our life through our value creations we contribute to life itself.

Thank You,