Monday, March 10, 2025



In a quiet moment, when you are laid back in a recliner or on a couch or even in a chair, your mind dashes back into your earlier adult, high school or childhood days. It doesn’t know (isn’t aware) where your body is. It’s not here in the now presence. It traveled—the thoughts could have been pleasant or possibly even unpleasant. This is where CHOICE comes in.

One can choose to remember the actions and activities from before. The pleasant memories can bring joy into your now presence leaving you with a blissful relaxing feeling.

The other choice is to remember the negative—awful experiences of actions and activities whether they are yours or possibly someone else’s in regard to you. After these thoughts race through your mind, remember your mind traveled to that time frame, your feelings are not relaxed. Anxiety, resentment or even anger may be brought into your now presence.

One may ask, “Is this a desired feeling I want to allow to live inside me—my mind?” If not, there is an alternative mind choice.

When these awful thoughts occur in your now presence—ask your traveling mind, “What can I learn from this today?” A new realization may occur that, “That was yesterday/before and I am not going to allow that old experience to be in charge of how I want to feel today.”

With this new decision of desiring to feel better an action of the mind is needed.
You may think of it as a pretense if you choose, but it works.

Use your mind—gather up your old unwanted memories, keep them together (here’s where the pretense words) and mindfully throw them out (visual them leaving your hands) of your physical body—UPWARD INTO THE SKY all the while knowing it is working. At this timing there is a VOID within you that needs filling up and this is where your mind gets to be useful for you joy and happiness.

These are your feelings and feelings cannot be experienced by anyone other than yourself—your mind energy. Just think of what you feel like on a beautiful sunny spring morning. The light of the SUN—it’s amazing! Make the light, (I visual it as a small ball at the base of the back of my head as it becomes the neck) penetrate your inner self inside all your physical body. This action of the mind replaces the awful feelings of yesterday’s/before experiences and any remaining negative energy is transformed into the ideas of joy and blissfulness. (One may need to do this several times before your mind is fully trained.)

Try it, after all it’s your mind and you can do what ever you please with it and you do not need anyone’s permission or approval.

Written: February 28, 2004
By: JoAnn Cooksey S.