Tuesday, March 11, 2025

I was exactlt were you are right now!

I was exactly were you are right now! I started reading the literature in 2008.
I read Heirloom 1 then 2 then 3. And after reading them all once. I thought
everything was going to fall into my lap. And when it didn’t! I started asking
question. I asked. Were can I find the Ten Second Miracle? Were is the money?
And how do you think in pictures? And at that time there was no member service
at all. So to get my question answered I turned to Steve Fagan. And even
though he answered my questions I was a bone head! I wasn’t really hearing it.
I wasn’t able to think in pictures.

It just didn’t sink in. But The honest fact is. It was me who was holding me
back. But I know today it will be me who is going to make me move forward.
I just have to get off my behind and do something! So I did I became an Active
Neothink Member and started to attend the 9pm mentoring calls. And I started to
apply the mini day schedule into my life. And even though I was working hard I
couldn’t find my FNE and my forward movement stalled. Until one day Steve Fagan
called me and asked me if I would be interested in starting a clubhouse.
The beauty in that last sentence is that Steve Fagan with his Neothink Power
saw one of my FNE’S. “Yea you read that right!” I have more then one FNE and so
can you!

So at this point Steve is asking me to step up without asking?
“Do you know what I mean?” So at that time I told Steve I didn’t think I had
enough experience because I had not be to a clubhouse yet. And that the only
experience I did have was at the 2009 Convention in Chicago. Then Steve Fagan
asked me to just think about it. And I told Steve that I would. Then I got a
call from Charlie Moore the same day he asked me the same thing Steve asked me.
And I told Charlie Moore the same thing I told Steve Fagan. Charlie Moore then
said that Steve Fagan told him to call me and to tell me three famous words.
From Steve Fagan’s mind through Charlie’s words and he said. “JUST DO IT!” Tom

And Charlie Moore went on to say that Steve Fagan and himself were starting a
clubhouse coordinator’s mentoring call. So I made up my mind right then to
“JUST DO IT!”! One year later My clubhouse is still running. But then I had a
personal situation that happened that through my mini day into chaos.
I couldn’t make the 9pm mentoring calls because of it. My forward progress seem
to stall again. But then I had the privilege of going to the World Summit in
Chicago 2012. What an amazing weekend and had the privilege to shake hands with
and kissed on her cheek Rosa Maria Wallace. I also purchased her book called
“Running With Genius!” My spirits soared to new heights that I signed up with
Steve Fagan & Associates and now have Sue Moore as my mentor. And I also signed
up for member service with William Kyle. I also got Jill Reeds Presidential
Banner to display at my next clubhouse meeting.

Since coming home from the world summit I have started my mentoring in Steve
Fagan & Associates with my mentor Sue Moore and already had my second meeting
with my mentor Sue Moore. And I started member service with William Kyle on
Monday 07/30/2012. While William Kyle did the calls I listened in. And the same
thing happened on Wednesday. Buy today 08/03/2012 I made 12 calls and made my
very first sale. I sold the Core Secrets Book. I had fun making the calls and I
felt extraordinary making that sale!

I start member service calling on my own on Tuesday next week . I also got my
personal situation in order and rewrote my mini day schedule. And getting back
to my 9pm mentoring calls. And I couldn’t have done all this sitting on my
behind. And I did it by telling myself to stop asking question till I get off
my behind and start doing something. Like moving myself forward in stead of
waiting for someone to do it for me!


Wrote on 08/03/2012 revised on 08/04/2012