Monday, March 10, 2025

To Open Our Eyes

To Open Our Eyes

How many Lies do we need?

How many broken promisses do we need?

How many finanical losses do we need?

How many Business losses do we need?

How many job losses do we need?

How many home losses do we need?

How many fear tactics do we need?

How many freedom losses do we need?

How many lost lives do we need?

To Open Our Eyes to those we have put in to power. We must stop the madness because they
are abusing their power and they believe that they have taken our power away and that we
will not do anything about it. That is why their have become so blatant.
I do know there is one thing we all can do to get our power back and that is
to vote for the write in candidates Jill Reed/Tom CARY ON NOVEMBER 06,2012

Who is Jill Reed/Tom Cary you ask?

Instead of taken my word for it. Do your own research and find out for yourself who
Jill Reed/Tom Cary are and what they stand for by going to and decide
for yourself. And go to and find out what the Twelve Visions Party is all