Monday, March 10, 2025

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that there are crossroads in History?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that at each crossroad humanity leaped closer to the lives they were
meant to live?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that humanity was oppressed until O-1000AD?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that it wasn’t until 1215AD when the first crossroad in History happened?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that is was the Magna Carta that helped humanity to leap forward closer to
the lives they were meant to live?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that the Rule of Man came back to impede humanity’s progress?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know the second crossroad happened in 1787AD?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that the U.S.Constitution was the second crossroad that cause humanity to
leap forward closer to the lives they were meant to live?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that Rule of Man came back again to impede humanity’s progress once more?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that our next crossroad is approaching us at this very moment?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know our next crossroad is a 3000 year old secret?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know the 3000 year old secret is called the Prime Law?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know the Prime Law is backed by the Twelve Visions Party?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that the Twelve Visions Party Presidential Candidates are Jill Reed/Tom Cary?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that on November 6 2012 if you vote Demarcate or Republican humanity will
not make the next crossroad to leap humanity once again to the life they are meant to

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of watching the Elite Class live a lavished life
style while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet!

It is time we all enjoy life! Live the lives we were meant to live!

And we can cause the next crossroad to happen to better the lives for everyone not just
a Few Elite Class!

And all we need to do is go to the voting booth on November 06,2012 and Write in
Jill Reed/Tom Cary and then help her to make the Prime Law an amendment to the U.S.
Constitution so the Rule of Man can never come back again to impede humanity progress

But you still have time to do some research go to and check her out!
And go to and read the Prime Law and so much more!

I’m excited to see the wealth health and peace come back to America like the world has
never seen or known before!