Monday, March 10, 2025

Where do you stand?

Where do you stand in America?
I stand for Honesty Love And making all the citizens in America rich including the poor.

Do you believe in America?
Yes I do and I believe in the people as well

Do you Love America?
Yes I do. That is why I fighting to take her back.

Is America a prosperous country?
It was once and it can be again if we stop the madness.

Do you think the Government is doing the right thing for America?
My answer is NO.I think the politicians are making things better for themselves.
And ruining it for the rest of us

What do you think about the Taxes in America?
There should be no taxes.
The Government should be run like a business.

How did the politicians become a Ruling Class?

They became a Ruling Class because the people are no longer involved in Politics.

Do we still have the freedoms our forefathers created for us?
No our politicians are stealing them from the us.

Are we still the best country in the world?
It is still better then any other country.
But I also believe it could be much better if only Americans take back control of Government

Do you think terrorist are ruining our country?
I think our politicians are doing a better job then the terrorist in ruining our country.

Who should we fear the most? Terrorist or our own Government?
I believe the only thing we have to fear is out of control Government.

Who is destroying our monetary system?
Our very own Polticians.

What do you think is America’s best chance at recovery

Is it Demarcates?
Is it Republicans?

I say it’s the Twelve Visions Party.
I believe the Twelve Visions Party is the only party willing to make all the people rich including the poor the elderly.

The Demarcates and Republicans are offering Illusions and Lies
They are not will to make a change for the better because it will take from their lavish life styles.

How can we fix America?

First thing we need to do is get off the couch!
Second thing we need to do is take back control from a run away Government!
And the only way to do that is electing the Twelve Visions Party’s Write in Candidates Jill Reed/Tom Cary.

Do yourself and America a favor and do some research!
Read the demarcates platform
Read the republicans platform
Ha! Ha! that was a joke because if you try to read the platforms from either of the two parties demarcates and republicans you will first need a tractor trailer and a lawyer
and an interpreter and months to go through them so you can understand what their platform is all about. And I think you will still be confused.

But the Twelve Visions Party’s platform is so simple to read and you don’t need a tractor trailer or lawyer or an interpreter.

Find out for yourself by going to
And check out the Twelve Visions Party Candidates Jill Reed/Tom Cary By going to