Sunday, March 9, 2025

Love Make Mericle Happen

What I was meaning to say on tonight’s call was. That Love, an illustonarry love from the A/C world will cause a neothinker to turn from the lititure and drown in sorrow by putting pure love into that one who think’s with thier pocket and, not their heart. The question was, How can one leave the pool of sorrow and, come back to the house of love: By remembering when Neothink* first entered thier life to teach us how to think up the romatic lover of our life and feel that feeling all over again (Then Hit The Books. Sombody love you, because sombody cares.

Thinking of love, that / J.M. Ms A.
and her students, snapped a picture in my mind seeing them looking at peoples that was once here physically in bodies that one would have to see to, reconize that person. Sally saw her mom that it scared her yet, it also made her so happy that she covered her mouth screaming into a happy dance, then cring, they all cried with joy and, while this moment last I am seeing the same to indulge myself to feel the same joy (THE LOVE). Wow what a beautiful feeling, thank you. (A Ten Sec Mericle)