Sunday, March 9, 2025

conecing expiriance NSST

The power that is in the Sunday night calls the grace I have experienced the 10 SM now it is real. As yet to be on a call I will work out the time zones & be involved . thank you for your generous spirits the work in this beautiful world is like The the law of gravity the intricacies of how everything is connected in attraction by mass with the power & control the curves space we all affect each other yes the individual is the sum of the parts cells of the body of the CoU I love you & now feel loved this is my engine my currency love. that is what you have given me the some of the parts the one-ness the I-ness of who I am thank you for your refection of who you are the we the universal I us Thank you all my family for your selves your specialness. this year I rose above tradision and gave myself a holiday from allowing the oppinion of other dictate to me who I am. I did not have Christmas I had me time Dream day of the present the eternal now the constant movement of existance the music of movment Today is now I love you all with pure love & am now expiriancing this wonder that is life the song of Zon To me that is a wonderful name for the joy that is now (THE SONG OF ZON) which is Rosh Hashana Shavuot Yom Kippur Succot Shemini Atzeret all combined Shalom Mogatog Shalac Peter