Sunday, March 9, 2025

3/24 Call Reaction

This night’s call was another good one. It dealt with becoming the people we are striving to become – “Zons” if you will – who control our own destiny and the self-doubt that often holds us back from that goal. Many of us dreamed as children. Many of us got away from that in the world we are in but not really a part of. Many of us have found that it costs a lot to chase a dream, but it costs even more to give it up, so we are back to chasing our dream again.

One statement Mark Hamilton has made in his writings that I have experienced is that if success came down simply to effort, most would succeed because they would be willing to put forth the effort needed. But effort is not enough – you have to know what to do to get to success and how to implement what you have to do to get there. To get success, one has to discover what their limitations are and remove them. Self-doubt may be the biggest limitation of all.

As a person who suffers from chemical depression and ADD, I am very aware of self-doubt. My conditions can sometimes leave me very discouraged and become problems that cuase other problems. I had a very bad stress-related memory lapse not too long ago and I was grateful to have a mentor who reminded me that we are never at the mercy of anything. True, perhaps we can’t control whatever it may be, but we are in complete control of how we react to it. That has helped me as I continue to press on and realize my own business and fully become the self-leader and value creator I am striving for. I still struggle with self-doubt at times but am still moving forward and was grateful for this call.