Friday, March 7, 2025

Our Terraqueous Globe

What is to be the future of Man? How can man attain to his highest being? It is said, “That which is above is the enlightened side of that which is below.”

Just as we have a lifetime from which to develop into our highest potential as human beings in this life, so then to, we begin to reflect that which is above us in the numerous of millions of galaxies which have proceeded us.

This is a journey. Our world and its people, as the struggling infant, seek to find ourselves, to find our way.

We must develop ourselves into adaptability – into that which is far above us in the heavens, far above our terraqueous globe,the earth.

If we are to attempt to reach our highest potential and thereby be able to perceive, and yes to reach a civilization of god like perception as found in the God Man, then we must look down upon ourselves, our very people, our tiny little planet; and see all of it, the individual, the people, the countries, and the globe itself as the incubator from which the new birth of enlightenment is hatched.

We must put aside ignorance, selfish ambition, and look to the greater good; one of lifting up our entire world to a civilization of universal knowledge, in understanding that we are all one. As below so as to one day be as above; for, in the Universe there are higher and higher plateaus of advancement from which to achieve excelerated understanding, development, growth; until finally, as if at once, the all become the one, and our perception touches the infinite bringing forth unhindered consciousness speaking,

“I See.”

“For All Our Failings, Despite Our Limitations And Fallibilities, We Humans Are Capable Of Greatness.”

Carl Sagan