Sunday, March 9, 2025

TVP Mobilizing

Tonight’s call on the developments of the TVP and Sinking the B.O.A.T. was very timely. I am most encouraged by the fact that we seem to be combining our efforts to make the TVP visible on the political landscape. We have all seen how the political process in this country has become more and more divided and polarized, and little has been accomplished except to see the country become more socialistic and mediocre – “just like everyone else” as a segment of our population has desired. They do not know what we know, and there will be many cases where they don’t want to. Many there will be who have a vested interest in keeping things as they have become. They will try to discredit us and try their best to see us fail. But if we truly have what we say we do, we must press through that, and continue to do what we do anyway. We can accomplish much more than society as a whole might be comfortable with, and if it makes our lives worth living, we must disregard such societal pressure that would keep us down to where we settle for less. This country has entered into a drift toward socialism and loss of freedom. Freedom is not free. History teaches us that we have a choice regarding it: either we fight to keep it, or we can do nothing – and lose it.