Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Un-Hatched Prmitive Man

How do we attain to that power of self that allows us to perceive? Kay’s reading on the primitive mind of man gives a good outline of the thought processes that are completely subjective in nature (as a result of human nature). We are impressed upon daily by externals that cause us to think, to reason, and even to feel a certain way.

The person of man, I don’t believe, was ever to be separated in himself. All things in nature are unified via the structure of their components (their being). The wonder of Creation is Life, and the wonder of Life is that Life sustains itself within its individual parts (which are designed to support each aspect of the whole). The mind of man would be no more that a globular mass of gray matter, performing no function without the circulation of blood generated from the human heart. And, if the body had no blood from which the heart could beat then there would be no function for the heart to perform.

It is within the capacity of each individual life form, (the individual person), to be self-reliant. When I think about our wondrous bodies and how they are as it were a kingdom unto itself – completely self-sufficient; I have to wonder why with this unique life sustaining individuality would I need to be directed, to be told how and what to think? Why would I not know within myself the “just right choices”
I must make as I propel my life forward?

Just remember, “A Self-Sustaining Life Form” needs no other outlet from which to propel it forward through into life’s continuance. A Primitive Mind operates separated from its origin – it is not connected to the whole of its own being. Therefore it cannot see its own ability to generate life from within itself. It must merely follow – as if becoming merely a simple piece not connected to the whole of its being. It must simply follow, function, and thereby sustain its separateness. As an un-hatched egg, when man limits himself by existing within simply conformity he remains un-developed – an embryonic life form.

Quote from the Apostle Paul,

“What, don’t you know that you are gods, and that the kingdom of god is in you?”


Creation itself cannot be brought within man’s comprehension unless space and time are removed from thought; but if these are removed, it can be comprehended. Removing these if you can, or as much as you can, and keeping the mind in ideas abstracted from space and time, you will perceive that there is no difference between the maximum of space and the minimum of space; and then you cannot but have a similar idea of the creation of the universe as of the creation of the particulars therein; you will also perceive that diversity in created things springs from this, that there are infinite things in God-man, consequently things without limit in the sun which is the first proceeding from him; these countless things take form, as in an image, in the created universe.

From this it is that no one thing can anywhere be precisely the same as another. From this comes that variety of all things which is presented to sight, in the natural world, together with space, but in the spiritual world with appearance of space; and it is a variety both of generals and of particulars. These are the things that have been shown, that is, that in God-man infinite things are one distinctly.

Very Thought Provoking Call Tonight 🙂