Friday, March 7, 2025

Oct.2008 And Still Running

Oct.2008 And Still Running This Amazing Journey Called Neothink.

In the beginning I was just like every new comer that has ever come along and took a chance to travel that road of Pure Honesty.

I can tell you this.

I speak only for myself here. When it comes to this road we know as Pure Honesty.

And that is.

This road of Pure Honesty wasn’t what I expected in the early days of traveling down that road. And the reason for my difficulties with Pure Honesty is because I really didn’t understand how to neothink.

And of course I still was having issues with my mysticism and also that wasn’t how I was raised. I mean I had been raised on truth.

I had no clue there’s was a difference.

And if it wasn’t bad enough I didn’t even know I was a follower much less think about what the definition between those two words were.

And I guess because as a follower I just thought they pretty much meant the same. Boy I didn’t realize I was in for a rude a wakening.

Man let me tell ya
What an education I got from finding the definition for both words.

At first it would seem they were somewhat the same. But I couldn’t believe my eyes when
I found this definition.

When you dig a little deeper you always find a little more info then you first thought and you read a little more. And you learn there is different things other people are saying
about truth.

Let me tell ya.

I agree with it.

Like this statement from Charles Caleb Colton

Pure truth, like pure gold, has been found unfit for circulation, because men have discovered that it is far more convenient to adulterate the truth than to refine themselves —

No mistaken Pure Honesty.
An individual must learn to refine oneself in order to live as an honest person
in life which is not easy to do.

Every step I take brings me closer to the yard I must make to keep adding the miles
as I travel down that road of Prue Honety.

Learning at every step. As I see where I was before I was conscious and aware. And
how far I have come with my awareness and consciuousness. And seeing how far I
still have yet to travel.

I know were the pit falls of my past are. And I know I still have trouble with
some of those pit falls. And I figure I’ll continue having trouble till I make it
to the C of U. And I do it every chance I get weather I’m at my neothink clubhouse or
another neothink clubhouse where I do escape to the C of U for a few hours. Till one day
we depoliticize and reorganized this country to cause a stronger country and raise the
standard of living for all the people included poor elderly disadvantage.

And at the same time I know living the Pure Honest way and reading my Prime Literature
I know I will over come my trouble spots and so long as I integrate what I’ve learned
from the Prime Literature. I know my eyes will become more clearer in spotting neocheaters.

As a matter of fact. I took a call during one of my member service sessions.

And that fellow asked me a question about godman that he read from the literature.
Now as the honest person I’m trying to become I pretty much am out spoken. So I asked him if
he new of his inner child of the past. And he answered me with I believe Jesus was
a godman.

Then the next thing he says to me comes from the bible. And as he finished.

I replied with.

Are you aware of the fact that the Bible especially the old testament was written
by unconscious people.

The next thing I heard was him hanging up.

I think to many people try to hard to mix their old beliefs into NEOTHINK.


Not realizing that the old way is why we search for a better way. Because the old
way no longer works.

And I honestly believe that once you become a self leader there is absolutely no
way you can close your eyes and go back into the following mode.

Here’s something for you.

Since doing member service when I speak to some people
I can tell if they have made a connection with their literature.

What I mean is when I got my first heirloom even though I was very intimadated by
that hugh black book.

I pushed it away from me and walked away from it.

Only to hear it calling me not much more then a minute later.

I was actually asking myself in my mind.

Is that book actually calling me to pick it up. As I turned around and glanced back at
that Big Black Book.

And then I shook my head and said I must be going crazy.

Then while walking back to the kitchen I went straight for that book and
picked it up and started reading it.

And because of my non-reading background.

Just reading a few pages caused my eyes to get tired and I ended up putting it
down. Only to pick it up a minute later because I wanted to know what was on the
next page.

And that is just the first part of this amazing journey called Neothink.

I’ve since grown in 4 + Years from a member like you are today. Into an Active Paying Member
where I made lots of connection in the society through the phone. But I’ll tell ya it was
great meeting people face to face. When I went to the Convention in Chicago in 2009.

It was the plane ride home from that Convention were I created the very first thing I ever
wrote. And soon after I became a Warrior and took part in writting testimonies on
Mark Hamilton’s websites to create a better light on the society creating a positive look
while changing the minds that created negatives statements because of what they heard but
did not really know anything about the society. But since all that we went from warriors to
Ambassadors. And then 1 year and 10 months ago I became a Clubhouse Coordinator. I’m also a
Twelve Visions Party Paying Member as well as a Member Service Rep.

All because of volunteering and you can do it too. All you need to do is read the Prime
Literature make the 9pm mentor call every night and believe in yourself that you deserve
this too.