Friday, March 7, 2025

Sideliners and Benchwarmers

This was a great call. Spoken truly in
the positive. Again I heard the clarion call to show proof.
Again another shot across the bow of the indifferent, fearful or in some cases the lazy people within our society. Sound harsh? Maybe. Consider this though, the overall question is why don’t more members make themselves known? Why do so many just stay quiet?
Foe example, on the trilogy calls, there seems to be a problem getting volunteers to “read”. On the active website look at the number of members compared to the number of those who post
and the common denominator here is the same ones post repeatedly, with very few
The benchwarmers I am addressing are those who came into the society 3 or more years ago. I asked myself why these people don’t participate more. Then it came to me from listening and participating on a prior call..choice.
Sideliners/benchwarmers CHOOSE not to become involved. Unfortunately, they are sabotaging their futures. Their own futures. I feel the passion of the active ones, and together WE feel the dead weight of the sideliners or benchwarmers, who have that permanent crease in their right and wrong, with shiny bottoms from sitting.
In one lecture Steve had a comparison chart for us to use. It was done so that WE might grow, a sort of gauge as to where we are, within our I-ness. I wonder where the benchwarmers are on the C-2 formula. There are two words which begin with the letter C. One is courage. At the beginning of each Powers
Call we start out with the statement and song, both address courage. We end each session in like manner.
There is another word that also begins with the letter C-cowardice. It is worth noting, a coward can not have any of his/her prayers answered, or achieve,or grow, or develop, or experience expanded consciousness.
To the newbies, get involved and watch your life amaze you. Watch as clarity becomes the norm, as wisdom and insight become your staff of understanding, and your I-ness explode with unparalled compassion. The ability to rise above the neocheaters(SUPRACHEATERS) rendering them impotent becomes the new norm.
I bid each of you peace,love and prosperity