Sunday, March 9, 2025

Panel of Mentors

As I was listening to Steve and Charlie tonight, I realized how far I really have to go. It’s nice to be able to talk to people who freely express themselves in today’s world. Listening to the panels’ histories of their lives, I can see a little of my life in everyone. Having an imagination is key to growing as a person and being able to dream about a better life, a life each on of us can and has to do for the good of everyone, including myself. The I-ness talked about is what is lacking in today’s world. We have to be able to take of ourselves before we can do for others. We live in a world where we are the taught the opposite to the detriment of everyone. We all need to be conscious of all our thoughts, actions and efforts towards ourselves and others. I include myself in “we.”
My lack of self esteem in my life has kept me from being self supporting and creating value and taking action. I no longer can accept my life as it is and feel the need to take action. Now that I have the tools to know what to do and equally important to know what not to do, I can grow in every way in my life. Thanks to all the efforts of Mark Hamilton and everyone else who take the time to care about others and the world we live in, change is possible and very necessary. I am grateful to be a part of a society where I have the opportunity to do this.