Sunday, March 9, 2025

Artists Call

I know that I am growing and changing with every call and when I attend a clubhouse. I feel very strongly about saying this and it simply is what I feel must be said. I just finished listening to my second Sunday Artists Call. I missed it because of a Clubhouse so I have a good reason. By not listening into all the calls whenever possible, one misses a lot of very good help, sharing and understanding and GROWTH. I find something new in every call. My whole being as a person is changing a little more every day. The sadness and the negativity that I used to feel is now gone. I simply have no room for all that in my life now. Although, I am not yet a value creator or value producer, I know without a doubt that it will happen. I now look forward to each day knowing that I can really make a positive difference in my life for now and later on in other people’s lives. I received a letter in 2009. I simply was not ready for this. I wish that I had been. Thank you for this second chance. Thank you to Mark Hamilton and everyone else. This great opportunity should be welcomed by everyone. It is such a gift and a blessing in my life. Every mentor works in his or her own way. Each mentor contributes so much to each and everyone of us just starting as active members. I would encourage everyone on my level and lower to really take advantage of all the calls and the clubhouses and all the help that you cannot get anywhere else. The HUGE difference it has made in my life is something that I thought could never happen. Thank you so much to every mentor and Clubhouse for all your effort and hard work. It really means a lot to me. I hope that you do not get tired of all my testimonials as I feel that good, hard work should always be recognized. Thank you Elaine Bennett and John for all that you have done. It really is very much appreciated.