Friday, March 7, 2025

The Good News delivered by Jesus

Steve Fagan and Charlie Moore delivered a compelling expose that shed a strong light on the lies and illusions created by the church and the political system based on misinterpretation of the teachings of Jesus. The church leadership and the political elite basically turned “The Kingdom of God Within You” into a nightmare for everyone and pushed the world to live in fear, feel guilty(Jesus only convicted the elite). “You must be born again before you can enter the kingdom of God,” the Kingdom of God within you. Now know that Jesus was referring to CONSCIOUSNESS. Now compare this to the church illusion created around being born again, and politicians’ exploitation of this to seek “elected political office. This was a solid session. It wiped all my mysticism. And this is just my first session. This is fascinating! Thank you Mark for inviting me to join you. Thank Steve, thank Charlie for such a powerful session.

Plato & Aristotle

Hello, Steve and Charlie,
Thank you, for giving honest information about Aristotle. When I first srudied Plato and Aristotle Plato’s teachings depicted him as a great man to mankind. Aristotle’s teactings were simply dismissed! I believed Plato’s Republic could be a great Society, and was dissapointed when it failed. Sensoring nude materials appeared to be what made the society great. Aristotle’s teachings were mentioned, not taught, the focus was on Socrates, Aristotle’s mentor. A negative depiction of Aristotle was made, because Socrates was considered a homosexual. After rereading at home I saw flaws in Plato’s Society, expecially involving the Genusis, and the Military. Although, It was during your leture I realize the tactics the instructor use to keep mysticism imbeded into our society.
Thanks from Deborah.

Thank you

Thank you Steve & Charlie for the sunday call, it was powerful. I love the way your broke down the saying of Jesus and the rest of the information was amazing and the participation of the Neothink listeners.That your hard work always be bless.Thank you.

Mark Escarcega, Short Note: ( My Question for Charlie Moore.)

Hello Dear Steve Fagan and Charlie Moore:

I think I heard this statement while listening to you Charlie. Someone said they wanted us to become like Atomatrons, What is an Atomatron? It sounded important for us to become like Atomatrons, I think this is the wrong spelling for this word but maybe you can understand what I’m talking about. I hope you can help me with an answer for this. Thanks, and I’m so grateful for you guys, I hope a can possibly thank you enough at some point.
Mark Escarcega

Hello All, It’s Mark Escarcega, Hot or Cold, Wet or Dry or Perfect, I Hope You All Enjoy The Weather Today. (My Integrations And Comments For All of You.)

Hello Dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett, All Families, Friends And Are Dear Pets:

Just want to say, that over the many centuries, due to man’s unconscious state, this has been the cause of our Ageing. It’s really none of our fault or all or are fault, that doesn’t matter at this point. I really believe that we are not living long lives because we have been continuously fouling up or atmosphere and are environment on Earth.

So, we all, Politicians and none Politicians, and all peoples on this Earth that can help, we all need to focus a major part of our attention on fixing the problems. There are right ways to fix things and there are wrong ways to fix things, we all have to work together to fix things the right way. And there is not just one way to do it. There is multiple ways to support each other and get things fixed right.

We may live hundreds of years longer just be cleaning our environment and atmosphere. (I really believe we can,) but it will take all of us working together for solutions and creative inventions to fix all the problems right. For instance, we can take all those dirty toxins and nuclear waste products, create a sturdy space ship and continually send all that waste to It’s total end, by sending it past Pluto and destroying it permanently. That’s something we can all do.

If we plan to live longer, this should be a main part of all of our focus and attention. To let you all know, I’m doing something every day to get this ball rolling right. Every day that I catch the buses, I pick up the totally used up cigarette buts and any trash I can from the gutter and surrounding bus stop area and put it in the trash where it belongs. (It’s all right that I do that. The Bus companies want the help.)

Then all those wonderful people who want to take about what I’m doing, I let them know my thought about sending the toxins out of here past Pluto where they can be completely destroyed. Just to let you know, people love to talk about these things and it seems they can’t thank me enough for what I’m doing. Heck, I just love to hear their grateful responses.

Well, you all enjoy the beautiful day if you can, I hope so. We love you all so very much and all God-man Speed and Action to all of you, as we blast into the future together with Strength, Love, Live, Peace, Happiness and Life Eternal,
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega


My thoughts on MYSTICISM
The belief that Jesus was divine & man at the same time is an illusion.We all know that Jesus came from MARY WOMB.This indicates that he was man.The illusion occurs of Jesus being divine.Jesus was special in the sense that he could pick out the lies in the scholars teachings at such a young age.Which created more followers,and more people questioning the scholars.They were not recieving truthful answers from them.Only from Jesus.Which created fear among the leaders. When you create fear within people they will get defensive.From defensive progresses into retribution.This is what happen to Jesus they made a martyr out of him.Because you are special.It does not mean you are DIVINE.This is also proves you can’t beat HONESTY.Just look at how many folowers JESUS has to this day.


Counsciouness-looking within.I realize that anything you apply your mind too & activate some iniatative you will get results. I feel the reason most people are still bicameral. The way they were programmed from parents, teachers religious leaders etc.Since these people have the power to make your day very difficult, if you don’t conform.That eventualy you stop trying., because the results are always the same. Alot of us lack the education, resources to start our own business. This may sound like excuses, but for alot of us it is reality.


Good evening again. You spoke about doing “The Will of God”. Will our God be omnipotent? Will our God be “O Lord God”? Is there a name to be worthy? Or What?

We are here to live not otherwise to keep advancing bringing all the music from within out for the world to see.Churches paralize our growth in so many way how much suffering it has cause us.I fill so lucky that i can see through this illusions so much clearer of, do the will of god,sacrifice of the soul. Thank you Mark Hamilton for neothink this is a gift you give me with profound honesty and pure love and thanks to Steve & Charlie for bringing us this information in such a colorful way, poring your hearts out with the nitty gritty details.I love your.PEACE

Who was Jesus?

Who was Jesus?
From the treasures of my personal library.

When I was about 19 or 20 years old I read a book called “Jesus the Christ” . It has a many mystical views in it but there is one thing I rescue from my reading. I never refuse a book when it is offered to me. I never know what could be inside that book that maybe will be important to me some how. And I do not discard a book if I think it has something of value to me. This is the case of this book.When I read it, there was something in it that opened my eyes in a very big way. And I want to share that with you. If, you allow me to do so.

There is a big misunderstanding within religious groups about who Jesus really was.
For generations, it was thought that Jesus belonged to a poor family and that being a carpenter was only for the lower class.
Jesus was not poor. Being a carpenter in Jesus times was the equivalent as being a businessman today’s days. Jesus was a wealthy man.
But that is not the only mistake. People have been taught half-truths:
“Jesus had royal blood”.

“Two genealogical records purporting to give the lineage of Jesus are found in the New Testament, one in the first chapter of Matthew, the other in the third chapter of Luke. (…)
Matthew’s account is that of the royal lineage, establishing the order of sequence among the legal successors to the throne of David, while the account given by Luke is personal pedigree, demonstrating descent from David without adherence to the line of legal succession to the throne through primogeniture or nearness of kin. Luke’s record is regarded by many, as the pedigree of Mary, while Matthew’s is accepted as that of Joseph. (…) A personal genealogy of Joseph was essentially that of Mary also, for they were cousins. (…) Jesus, repeatedly addressed as Son of David, never repudiated the title but accepted it as rightly applied to Himself.
In all the persecutions (…) and accusations brought against him, no mention is found of even an insinuation he could not be the king through any ineligibility based on lineage.
Genealogy was assiduously cared for by the Jews before, during and after the time of Christ; …their national history was largely genealogical records; and any possibility of denying Jesus because of unattested descent would have been used to the fullest extent by insistent Pharisee, learned scribe, haughty rabbi, and aristocratic Sadducee.
At the time of Jesus’ birth, Israel was ruled by alien monarchs. The rights of royal Davidic family were unrecognized; and the ruler of the Jews was an appointee of Rome.
Had Judah been a free and independent nation, ruled by her rightful sovereign, Joseph the carpenter would have been her crowned king; and his lawful successor to the throne would have been Jesus of Nazareth”. (James E. Talmage)

Faby Anderson