Sunday, February 23, 2025

Is there a particular area in one of our Heirlooms

Is there a particular area in one of our Heirlooms 1, 2 or 3 that tonight’s program addresses? ie Heirloom and page or chapter number?

Thank you–Sincerely,

Lloyd Smith

Mark Escarcega, Hello to all; (My Comment and Integration again for all of us.)

Hello Dear Steve Fagan, Charlie Moore and our Guest Speaker Steve Rapella also all Families, Friends and our pets:


Thank you all so very much Mentor Trainers for this stimulating night of Sophisticated Intelligence Discussion. And thank all my class mates for all the very great needed support you give all of us. Dearest Steve Rapella, I’m absolutely not kidding when I say, you have truly been that Awesome Blessing that we were told was coming to support all of us. It seems very difficult to thank you enough for your great support to all of us. Thank you so very much again Steve Rapella.


Dearest All Friends, I truly believe we can all save our America from its destructive path. We all Americans have to work as one great team effort, first to save ourselves. Now that we all have a way to live and thrive in total peace, love, happiness and life, in all ways and forever more through Mark Hamilton’s Teachings, We can all make it. (But we must all work together on this project Pure Peace, Love, Happiness and Life in every way and everlasting.)
(Note: Through all the problems, we have become the strongest safest nation on earth; so let’s don’t knock it too much at this point.)

Dear great friends, none of us has the absolute answer for all of us. We all must Combine our great GM efforts, and keep Combining them to keep growing. Let’s do it. Let’s join America all together first and add in the entire world to help for the sake of all Civilization and our planet Earth. Due to Mark Hamilton and Family and Friends, we all have the way to make things work out for good and forever.

Now let me add my suggestion loved ones. Since we have just found this new door to pure love, life, happiness and peace eternal, knowing there was not a door for us in the past. We must all forgive the passed up to this new door we found. I mean it. We much forgive the entire past, take that step now, and forgive the entire Civilization. And then now, as we all go forth into the future, think About This:

As we all go forth into the future, let’s put all our greatest efforts on humanity for all human life and our Earth. Keep those thought in your mind first and let’s all work on them with our absolute best efforts and never stop. With this top priority in our minds, we must put numbers and money second. This has to be so or we will not make it. This is not to say we can’t be wealthy, because we can and absolutely wealthy. This is only to say that we really can’t put anything before our effort to heal and take care of Humanity and our earth, for all of us, the whole Civilization and our Earth.

Those persons that committed such evil acts, will have a purpose in life to make up for it, too the loving world around them or expect to pay a consequence that isn’t worth it. This is just the way all of us must do to heal are selves and the entire world around us. Not one of us is to blame up to this point for anything, because the entire Civilization did not have the answers we all needed. And just now we are finding all the right answers to everlasting pure love, life, happiness, humanity and peace for all of us.

So now let’s all go into the new door of life and all give our greatest efforts to fix everything, but this time fix and make everything right. Together we can and will do this; it is America’s goal for all of us and the entire Civilization and for our Earth. God-Man’s best to all of you.

With Love, Yours Truly:
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

A Message Of Hope For One And For All Of Us; From Mark Escarcega; (My Integrations And Holly Comments, 11/08/2011)

Hello dearest Madam President Jill Reed, John Smrek, all Families, Great Friends and are Pest:

The last answer is (The purpose of life it to prosper and live happily.

But there’s something wrong with that. When you look deep into it, it’s the same as saying (When in an Anti-Civilization, Do as the Anti-Civilization Does or When in Roam Do as the Romans Do.) If we ever want to see a Civilization of the Universe or our portion of a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us on Earth, We can’t live like that.

We must connect ourselves with the C. of U. world and bring it down to earth for each of us and for all of us. That means we must live as a C. of U. lives or a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us would live and bring it to the entire world around us and to our own personal lives.

This would mean: We must live a life of Service, Trade and exchange of Good and Values and our tools may or may not be money, but our gain of a beautiful life should not diminish, it should continue to grown in love, life, peace happiness, honor, respect, humanity and dignity, value and beauty for one and for all of us; in all ways. This is how we can all grow into a C. of U. on Earth or you may say, A Kingdome of Heaven, Bliss, Garden of Eden or a paradise on Earth. Anyway This Is How We Can All Work Together And Create That C. of U. on Earth. I can guarantee you that other way will never work, that’s for sure, and if you look deep enough you will see for yourself that the first way will not ever work, it has to be the Second way I mention to work. We cannot live honestly and do as the Anti-Civilization does; (THAT IT.)

Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

The Letter

The Letter when that came in the mail i wanted to know the secrets and the powers and the Visions and i wanted to know if a better world was out there one last thing i have asked if there was some kind of knowledge kept secret from the world if it was out there and i asked my exwife that one day and she does recall me asking that to this day and as of today i am very happy with the knowledge that i have now i do not have to look any more i have it yeah


James Martin Omaha NE. I was glad to learn the truth

I Just wanted to stop by and say thank you

I Just wanted to stop by and say thank you because everytime I attend these calls I feel something inside me that gets stronger and stronger. A lot more things have come more as I learn how to intergrate with the breakdown understandings that I get when atteneding these calls I am so greatful that every day you all help me to break the remaining chains aways and open the doors that can never be shut!!!

Honestly and Truly, Chanda Morris


Hopefully a quick note at this time to me the tsm comes down to decission making maybe at least ten sec. are needed. I really appreciated S Reppela showing up.I tried to get into npowers 99@ but for now wouldnt let me in. Is this right? got something to run by Reppla is there an e in his name or not? Reguarding this some one mentioned stress level? i learned something called healthy pressures i would say same thing its alright to be aware of that some how to take action or maybe not and think it thru or over. Living thinking speaking above the fear line is pretty cool maybe we can discusss that some time. Like Discovering God Man Fearing no one its in the Herilooms. It was a trainning i did that involved a few yrs. but pays off if you work it. Later Bye for now your friend Dan

Dying to self is hard

In recent months I have been exposed to reading materials and teleconferences that has rattled the foundation of my inner core. I find it very hard and compelling trying to make sense of this broken world. I believe in a savior that would come and deliver us from the evil deeds of mankind, Jesus’ return. I believe that if I prayed for someone to be healed, they receive healing, and have witnessed this with my own eyes. I believe that the dead could be brought back to life, and can attest to that also. I believe in a supernatural ability that we as humans do not appropriate, because we have not been trained to harvest these powers. The comfort that I have is knowing I am more than able to accomplish anything I set my heart to do, and yes it takes discipline. I believe in a supernatural being, some call him God, others call him energy, whatever. The fact reminds that there is something out there, forces, both positive and negative that we are connected to. This does not negate the fact that I am a self leader, and responsible for my actions. This is not the mystery to me.

What is mystery to me is, the god man. How does a man learn to be a god, if he does not have a point of reference, a role model and person who has achieved godhood? Men thinking they are gods, without a reference is what has gotten us into the current situation we find the world in today, not a very good prognoses. Men do not process enough love in their hearts to be a god, if they did, it would be evident, and I am sorry to say, it is not evident.

A Steve Jobs integration…

Thanks for a wonderful call tonight. Neothink Sunday was great. Sorry we got cut off guys. Bad signal. What I was gonna say-

I wish Bill Gates and Paul Allen could hear tonights call. In light of that I must say;

“Can you picture what would be, if Bill, Paul, and Steves, Friday night essence had been…medical technolgy?”

We will miss Steve Jobs. We’d say the same for Bill Gates, Paul Allen, or any of them if they had perished like Steve from such an awful disease.

Yes its true that will all his money abd power, Steve couldn’t save himself from cancer. However, let ponder what would’ve been if they had taken on medical technology-

Instead of electronics technology, and creating a new computer industry, let’s imagine they instead found a love for medical technology, and found and developed a secondary technology from it. What if it was called disease displacement technology.

Disease displacement technology becomes a superfast advancing technology just like computer technology. In this field and durring its run, people are miraculously cured of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hiv, etc. At some point, the technology reaches a standstill. Because the only technological direction to take, is to continue on with eliminating the disease of aging and death.

However, a standstill… because a technology is needed to move forward… a technology yet to be developed. Because in our imaginary ponder, Bill, Paul, and Steve took another direction. A direction that didn’t develope abd evolve computers and electronics in the way we’ve known.

So in our imaginary ponder, the lack of computer/eectronics technology leaves their medical technology at a standstill and waiting for the computer geniuses to come about.

The discoveries they made are what shoukd now be opening the doors for us to move forward and start using their examples, and their technologies to advance technologies in other fields. So basically, Steve Jobs was a warrior in this fight. He didnt change his direction to save himself…because he had to stay focused so that he could give us the advancenents that would save his children, his grandchildren, and so on.

In essence, we must move forward. If this handful of geniuses can revolutionize the computer industry, then together we can free the geniuses within ourselves through our Friday night essence, and we can revolutionize every technology including medical.

Thanks to everyone. The calls are great. I’m really enjoying this. Much love to all

Bi Cameral mind

Hello Steve and Charlie. I am Marshall Randy Bristow from the VA A-Team. First off; excellent job on your Jesus presentation. Just like anything of great value; this is the hardest part ; which of course brings the greatest rewards. I personnaly would not have called Jesus just a man as I feel that he was the first true God Man. Jesus endured pain, mutilation, and death and remained honest throuh all of this.
I do Speech’s in the VA Clubhouses and have been talking about the Bi Cameral mind last month. My understanding of this seems to be different from other’s understanding. I have been told by other members that we no longer have a Bi Cameral mind. I need to correct this to effectively get my point across. After my last speech; which included a Karate demonstration that demonstrated learned automatic reactions; I was told that self defense was the only exception that allowed learned reactions. I do respect these member’s input, but I realize that I am not getting my point across.
My understanding of the Bi Cameral mind boils down to Reaction and Thought; Concious Competence moving to Unconcious Competence. Is this not a good example of taking advatage of our Bi Cameral minds; understanding how we work? My understanding of this philosophy has bought me great results; maybe my terminology is wrong? I recently joined the new website; member of last one for about 5 years. Nellie H. told me that Steve R. did a speech on the Bi Cameral mind. Could you give me the link to that speech?
My goal here is not who is right or wrong; I just have to be effective delivering the message to others; and correct.
Thanks for all that you do; you are changing the world!! This is my goal also. I look up to you guys.
See Ya
Marshall ‘Randy’ Bristow