Sunday, February 23, 2025

Volume#2 Neo Think Visions Mentor

Good Afternoon, Neo Think Members and prop’s to our Senior Members. To yet another successful teaching, I very much enjoyed your session. I listened to a repeat but I got a lot of Knowledge. Thank you Mark Hamilton for bringing me aboard Neo Think. I’m planning on committing more of myself and my time to try to catch up to everyone Carol I’m so sorry your having the pain that you have had to endure. If your interested here is a Web Site you might investigateWWW.REVLABS.COM All Capitals. It’s an oil, you put 2 drops and with in 15 min. the pain is gone. Just check it out for yourself. I’m no doctor but if the pain comes and goes it’s probably some form of psoriatic Arthritis. But your right you would be wise to go and get your own diagnosis from a professional. You know a light just went off in my mind ,I think I think you all might have helped me find my FNE I think I would very much Enjoy Healing people, Oh my goodness. I don’t know if that is possible or not But Thank you all. Any way Steve and Charlie I am looking forward to meeting with you again on another call in person Thank you again Very Sincerely Beverly

Mother Day

Great Call, Felt Your Love And Honesty

Law of Attaction

Elaine I love your topic about money, great integrations. I my self is a student of Ester Hick and Abraham and it great to extend to other positive, encouraging surrounding. Thank you Elaine.

Steve Job

Mr. Job had found his FNE early in his life. But I think because we live in the Anticivilization and affluence it have on are lives , there that bubble of mysticism that limit us and blind side us. But as we evolve as Neo-Thinker are 12 vision world will be in are reach. But it going to take all of us who understand that the purpose of conscious life is to prosper and be happy. That is why we must live the life that we have the answer that way we will draw other ,its really about the number.


Steven, great integrations. Love how you present that topic. As I study Dr. Wallace on that topic I find it very profound, as I read that over and over and over my mind leap from here to the future. I think about what we be able to achieve, man that’s awesome.

Power Call

I listen to the recording on Valentine Day. Great call !!!

Powers Call

It is a pleasure to remain connected with such a noble society. The Powers Call provided me with another opportunity to gain more mental clarity. It appears that everyone is becoming more spiritually advanced as we live. I believe that affairs regarding our spiritual growth is the leading cause that will take us into the golden Twelve Visions World. I am continuously thankful to Mark Hamilton for providing providing me with this very valuable opportunity.

Neothink Powers Mentors Call

Greetings Mark,
I am thankful to have again been fortunate to have attended another informative and enlightening experience. The discussion about character development, and consciousness evolution, is the information that is most important to me, but the other ideas presented added value to my essence. The kind of information and stimulation, plus all the progressive people involved, is helping to fulfill a desire that I’ve had from many years ago. Understand that I have wanted to be around people who involved themselves with “finer things of life”, and that is exactly what I have been getting with my involvement in the Neothink Society. Thanks for your giving us opportunity to add value to self others and society.

Powers Call

Again I find my self being well informed. Tonight was a continuation of valuable integrations that is helping evolve consciousness and develop character. One subject about religion, stood out for me. The idea that religion is and have been detrimental to the human family, is sharply evident. I know from experience…because I have been a participant in six religious/philosophies, and have ample evidence of the facts. Thanks to Dr. F.R. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, and the other Neothinkers worldwide for this grand opportunity to attend and learn.

Sunday Teachings

Just trying to learn