Monday, February 24, 2025


I Really appreciated the call this evening. I found that the way Kay described the bicameral behavior was amazing. The fact that we all have to fight from slipping into that bicameral state of being. The Value of what conscious awareness really is. I have a deeper understanding and love this powerful process that keeps us moving forward to that C of U. Gratitude to all the Mentor’s for digging in and helping myself as well as others grasp the big picture.

TVP Mobilizing

Tonight’s call on the developments of the TVP and Sinking the B.O.A.T. was very timely. I am most encouraged by the fact that we seem to be combining our efforts to make the TVP visible on the political landscape. We have all seen how the political process in this country has become more and more divided and polarized, and little has been accomplished except to see the country become more socialistic and mediocre – “just like everyone else” as a segment of our population has desired. They do not know what we know, and there will be many cases where they don’t want to. Many there will be who have a vested interest in keeping things as they have become. They will try to discredit us and try their best to see us fail. But if we truly have what we say we do, we must press through that, and continue to do what we do anyway. We can accomplish much more than society as a whole might be comfortable with, and if it makes our lives worth living, we must disregard such societal pressure that would keep us down to where we settle for less. This country has entered into a drift toward socialism and loss of freedom. Freedom is not free. History teaches us that we have a choice regarding it: either we fight to keep it, or we can do nothing – and lose it.

Our Terraqueous Globe

What is to be the future of Man? How can man attain to his highest being? It is said, “That which is above is the enlightened side of that which is below.”

Just as we have a lifetime from which to develop into our highest potential as human beings in this life, so then to, we begin to reflect that which is above us in the numerous of millions of galaxies which have proceeded us.

This is a journey. Our world and its people, as the struggling infant, seek to find ourselves, to find our way.

We must develop ourselves into adaptability – into that which is far above us in the heavens, far above our terraqueous globe,the earth.

If we are to attempt to reach our highest potential and thereby be able to perceive, and yes to reach a civilization of god like perception as found in the God Man, then we must look down upon ourselves, our very people, our tiny little planet; and see all of it, the individual, the people, the countries, and the globe itself as the incubator from which the new birth of enlightenment is hatched.

We must put aside ignorance, selfish ambition, and look to the greater good; one of lifting up our entire world to a civilization of universal knowledge, in understanding that we are all one. As below so as to one day be as above; for, in the Universe there are higher and higher plateaus of advancement from which to achieve excelerated understanding, development, growth; until finally, as if at once, the all become the one, and our perception touches the infinite bringing forth unhindered consciousness speaking,

“I See.”

“For All Our Failings, Despite Our Limitations And Fallibilities, We Humans Are Capable Of Greatness.”

Carl Sagan


Is Seeing Believing, or is Believing Seeing?

I heard you say during the call that we are not god-man as yet, and that we are in process of developing into this higher aspiration. You mentioned that what prevents people from seeing the reality and potentialities of their lives are the ever present illusions that society places on our minds which prevents us from believing that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.

You stated that we need to be objective in our thinking and view our potentials through and/or as objective realities. Therefore I wanted to share two concepts from the FRW Collection pertaining to how we view reality and then go on from there.

(1) FRW: Everyone is born blind into this Earthbound civilization. Thus, like the congenitally blind, everyone becomes so acclimated to this force-controlled, loser anti-civilization that none can see the coming business-controlled, winner Civilization of the Universe… Profound Honesty cures that blindness.

(2) In the 1950s, a group called Quadri-I Research discovered that a small minority of persons thought in whole pictures rather than in segments that subsequently built into whole thoughts. Quadri-I also found that each such person generated nearly the same picture for any given thought or idea. Those pictures were similar because they formed immediately – uncorrupted by biases or agendas. Thus, those pictures were more accurate – more in accord with reality. Arbitrary information and errors had no time to enter the thought process. Such corruptions simply dissipated when the whole picture flashed into consciousness.

So, thinking in pictures (through Neo-Think Concepts) starts with the finalized picture and then breaks down the complete into its segments so that each segment can be understood, developed, and then manifested through creation of the tangible object(ive) outcome. Being born as that which comes from outside of itself (the inner being).

Let’s look at the definition for Objectivity and Objective reality for a better understanding…

Objectivity is a central philosophical concept, related to reality and truth, which has been variously defined by sources. Generally, objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject’s individual feelings, imaginings, or interpretations. A proposition is generally considered to be objectively true (to have objective truth) when its truth conditions are met and are “mind-independent”—that is, existing freely or independently from a mind (from the thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc. of a sentient subject). In a simpler meaning of the term, objectivity refers to the ability to judge fairly, without bias or external influence.

The objective reality is the collection of things that we are sure exist independently of us. Every person is able, in principle, to verify every aspect of the objective reality. Anything that cannot be verified in this way is not part of the objective reality. The tree growing in a neighbor’s yard is part of the objective reality. Its presence can be verified by any person by simply looking at it, or a surveyor determining its position, by taking a photo of it etc. Moreover, the absence of the tree would imply that the tree does not belong to the objective reality (the yard) as it does not exist.

How we define visual objective reality physically is determined through visual recall and visual recall in the human eye is dependent upon the penetration of light variations which define the proportions of what the eye sees. To make a direct comparison with the objective reality, first note that the color of light is related to the light’s wavelength, i.e. the distance between adjacent waves that the light is made of. A device, called a spectroscope, for measuring the wavelength of light in terms of a small fraction of a meter. Such a device is used to establish objectively that a beam of light is red based solely on the measured value of the wavelength. The wavelength value can be checked and verified (or otherwise) by any person. When technicians compare their measurements of the wavelength they are comparing elements of the objective reality and not sensory information of which the eye is one of the physical senses.

It seems as if the Divine (or God-Man) Universal Understanding is not the same in one person as in another; as if, for instance, it were different in the wise and in the simple, or in an old man and in a child. But this is a fallacy arising from appearance; the man is different, but the God-Man in him is not different. Man is a recipient, and the recipient or receptacle is what varies. A wise man is a recipient of Divine love and Divine wisdom more adequately, and therefore more fully, than a simple man; and an old man who is also wise, more than a little child or boy; yet the divine, god-man attribute is the same in the one as in the other. The divine, god-man attribute is the capacity to develop into a fully conscious, sentient being capable of creation.

Newton said that he now knew that what he called the Divine Universal Understanding, which is being itself, fills all things, and that to him the idea of nothing as applied to vacuum is horrible, because that idea is destructive of all things; and he exhorts those who talk with him about vacuum to guard against the idea of nothing, comparing it to a swoon, because in nothing no real activity of mind is possible.

That spiritual light, of which illumines the mind of man, connecting it to Divine Universal Understanding is altogether distinct from natural light. Anyone may know if he observes the thoughts of his mind. For when the mind thinks, it sees its objects in light, and they who think spiritually or sentiently with a higher consciousness see truths, and this at midnight just as well as in the daytime.

For this reason light is predicated of the understanding by its exampling of omnipresence (being in all things), and the understanding is said to declare of something which another says that he sees (that is, understands) that it is so. The understanding, because it is spiritual, cannot thus see by natural light, for natural light does not reside in man, but withdraws with the sun. From this it is obvious that the Divine Universal Understanding enjoys a light different from that of the eye and that this light is from a different origin.

Let everyone beware of thinking that the sun of the spiritual world is God himself. God himself is a man.

When we tap into the higher consciousness that is our inner child, the source essence of all light and life we change our reality into something other than that which is presented to us as real. The blind Anti-civilization that closes his sentient being to its capacity to think in pictures is one that is restrained in darkness.

My in put to the Powers Call

Hey Steve and Charlie
I wanted to speak last night but was having one of my moments. Because of you two men creating the very thing within me that caused me not to hit star two. And now I want to share with both of you the creation you caused with me. I hope you enjoy.

When finding self a rough road begins when turning a page to a story that has
never been told. About living a life that has been a total LIE. And to also
learn that not only the life lived being a total lie. But in fact the whole life of the family tree was robbed of it’s Wealth Health and Happiness.

Because of not knowing what they didn’t know. And wasn’t allowed to know.

But since learning a new way to think called Neothink and finding the inner

One can turn a rough road into the journey of a life time.

By giving the individual the knowledge that teaches out of the box thinking.
combined with his willingness to learn.
That the individual will begin to see the little child within showing him the
way to his Zon station.

So which Godman/Woman among you who is searching for his/her ZON HOOD

It’s the power of ZONS that will create the Heaven on Earth we all know as the
Civilization of the Universe

14 April, 2013

My wife & I are looking forward to the future ‘Powers Calls’ & our journey through the science of Neothink. I personally did not find it difficult to transcend from mysticism to Neothink. Because I had my doubts as to who God really is. I was taught that we were created in his image & that he lives inside of us. I have thought that we have to make our lives to be what we want it to be. I just did not take advantage of opportunity, when it knocked. That is, until Neothink. I have firmly believed, for at least 50 years, that in order to have a good & fair government, the politicians need to be removed. But even up until 2008, I still thought the elite who run this country, could be trusted to take care of the citizens. I just did not realize, just how horribly they were manipulating us into being zombies, to do their menial tasks & to give them the power & wealth to feed their greed, & lust for control. That is why my wife & I want to do what we can to unite the states to move the TVP forward to the ‘White House’, & beyond, to the Twelve Visions World. There is much more to say, but I am not a writer. But the future will prove out the TVP, if we all do what we can to “TAKE THE POLITICS OUT OF GOVERNMENT”.


Steve & Charlie, great presntion ON ‘ZON’. The essence of Zonpower is its power to break hypnotic spell, break that mystical bubble, then we are no trapped in the dishonesties of the ac world we are in.


Thanks for such great calls..I do have a teensy problem however. The calls are sooo in-synch, what I write for one could very easily apply to all the calls. The calls are so intertwined, at times it can be daunting to know when one call ends and another begins. I love it. The consistency of the calls is just amazing. I am so grateful to be a part of the calls, and I am growing by leaps and bounds. Thank you mentors. You have set a benchmark and a half for
those of us with you on this magnificent journey


Steve & Charlie, Great presention on Zon Power. WEll explained. Thank You.


It was great presention on Stagnation breaking mentality.His implimention made think and look within at my own stagnations. Thank You.