Saturday, February 22, 2025

Neo think

Frank R Wallace’s dream must come alive. Yes it is true we have been duked so long. Wake up people take leadership back in your life in all areas. We the people must work together to take back what belongs to us, our rights, etc.

Prime cure call Sunday 9/22/19

Regarding the prime cure call on 9/22/19

It was good to hear the NeoThink group moving forward into action, The area of cures, human health and immortality are extremely important. The call gave a good indication of what we are up against in terms of govt domination, control and malfeasance. Jefferson spoke a long time ago about what would become of our freedoms concerning medical tyranny controlling peoples health and well being. That was back at the founding of the country and today one can look around and see how govt malfeasance in this area has created and helped shape a big beautiful shiny object called the medical industry which at its core has abandoned its true mission; to bring cures while causing no harm.
While it is important to note that there are many health care professionals which adhere passionately to creating cures and wellness for their clients, the breadth of the Doctors’ story of government harassment of his lively hood is a great example of what needs to change.
I for one will have $1000 within the next 2 months to assist. In Neothink fashion and according to my first manuscript I remember Hamilton suggesting that to depoliticize the country it would be necessary to perhaps create a country or economic free zone within the country or experimental area where like minded people could gather and prosper and be an example that others would certainly want to follow.
In that vein I thought the talk about the doctors without borders idea was good and why not create your own economic free zone by putting your research facility on a large ship in international waters offshore.
Not trying to sound crazy but to beat the clowns ( ie:govt) you need to be creative and bold. The ship or future ships could be chartered in a country of origin which could be chosen according to their ability to function away from the control of the US Medical industry which is financially compromised by the Pharmaceutical/Agriculture industry.
I am sure competent Neothink lawyers would be able to figure this out. Universities may not be a great choice either as they are a giant spider web complex of the military deep state and have been for a long time so I am not sure the Dr. will be able to find a university that wont try to hamstring his actions for true health and cures.
Many of the alternative doctors that used to be in the United States have migrated their practices to Panama/Costa Rica…..that may be a viable option as well.
Overall excellent phone call….just also wanted to ad a note for reference about the “Open Society” George Soros that came up as a funding idea. Soros is well known for fomenting manufactured crises on the world stage for the gathering of power to himself and his cronies. The Open Society is a vehicle for the unelected bureaucracy to continue the globalist assault on individual rights. It would not be my choice for a funding option, perhaps Vanguard could be better.
I would also like to say that along this vein with the business alliance….this is an area of great interest to ordinary citizens (The health care system). If NeoThink can help get a cure facility up and running and all members would support it could lead to a string of centers opening which would in turn over time lead to the dead weight, old paradigm medical system collapsing on its own, people would see an alternative to that govt supported dinosaur with better heathier results too.
People are clamoring for an alternative to this mess of a health care system, this could be a great time to step into this arena. Fortune favors the bold. Thank you.

Open Mike 10/7/2018

Very interesting integrations and presentations

Sunday night mentor call

Great call on Love and change. Love Kay”s Mediations made ne feel relaxed and rested.

Sunday night mentor call

I want to liveas long as possible. We need to take action as we know the souliton is the Prime Law and the TVp party. the Neothink society has open up more knowledge nd insight in my life. Great call Steve and Charlie.


Have problems with the codes Of mr. Mark writing. Have to read and reread most Often

twelve visions

my favorite visions are vision four and vision eight. vision eight I have been working on since 2011. I have started losing weight, i was weighting 376 lbs. and now I weight 263 lbs. Vision four I am 78 years old and my wife is 94 years old and we have been four years. I have had two other wife’s were married for 20 year and 27 years so we have need to be married at least another 16 years tokept the record straight but we want to live forever.

Powers Mentor Call

Last night was my first time calling into this call but it wont be my last. Great call great energy the call just flowed as it started at 9:00pm next thing I know is its 11:00pm. The call really gets you to think cause it showed how you can slip back into ac world mentality without realizing it. Digger and Charlie did a fantastic job of hosting Tim your songs brought a smile to my face and heart. Donna your poem was great and if I remember Kay your addition to the call was wonderful I was so relaxed that I went right to sleep. Great job to everyone on the call last night cant wait until next Sunday.

Wonderful, Surprisingly Relatable Call

I was again amazed and reminder that Neothink members are real and this is really happening. It was never had occurred to me to consider the implications of the Holiday season and all the various beliefs – heavy slanting towards Xmas. I felt lucky to listen to the first call ever in the society’s history to begin to touch this subject and enjoyed hearing a variety of perspectives.

I come in from a christian/presbyterian upbringing but not real “bible” belief in God or Jesus – but a vague benevolent awareness and appreciation. I have since read/studied quite a bit and most recently been drawn to the teachings of Abraham with Esther Hicks which makes the most sense to me and I continue to validate every day with manifestations. I like that NeoThink, through power thinking, encourages and in fact teaches us to harness that more aggressively. Recovery/ 12 step encourages it via meditation and prayer – to start with baby steps. Neothink assumes the rocket launch pad! i appreciated the poems and guided meditation.

knowledge is power and the way to acheive one’s path and individuality – to control one’s destiny

you can make it if you dream – no hocus pocus – just downstream focus! I enjoyed the theme song.

we’re meant to have it all. need to escape the illusion – (holiday season). meditation helpful to cut the cords of ext. authorities. redirect.

you gotta want it! desire! focus! like a kid wanting a xmas gift!

a business mentality behind everything is needed. you must treat YOU as a BUSINESS!

eliminate old thinking/behaviours – similar in 12step – stinkin’ thinkin’

Kay’s presentation was interesting – about the forces of nature in our desire to conform – great reminder/example.

George Burns (not the vaudeville start 🙂 ) – neuro economist – never heard of him. Maybe i’ll learn/hear more?…

our true essence is well-being but we’re trained to follow –> to fit in, all because of Gov’t lies (education system, marketing…)

I thought it even interesting to question common sayings that bring up God and religion, such as “God bless you” when someone sneezes. Interestingly in other countries they say “health!” as in “to your health” such as Gesundheit! or Salud! Maybe we should start saying – “TO YOUR HEALTH” – much like a toast (I imagine)

Xmas (holidays et al.) is ultimately the season of love – giving and getting love and Jesus’s true message was one of love…pure love (which so many christians don’t follow…nor many else for that matter) Jesues was brave! was an individual! WAs true to himself! We do have a lot to be grateful for to him for advancing human life! Now we all get to.

also a reminder that the holiday season is a fabricated stimulation to mask the burden of life

Volume#2 Neo Think Visions Mentor

I might have gotten my events confused if I did please forgive me . I should have wrote my integration right after the event but instead I listened to another one and then came and done my Integration . I’m so sorry if I messed up.