Sunday, February 23, 2025

Power call

Great call, I hear wonderful integrations on the call. Thank you all!!!

Powers Call “Unification”

Good to teach public to neo-think, understand TVP. INCREASE NUMBERS
kay did a great piece on “self love”
Guest speaker was Dave D.and it was good to her from him. If you missed—go listen to recording—good one


guest speaker, Elaine Bennett, “message
of the universe”. she said, “don’t take
notes.” ha. no one could remember all the info given in her deep,deep,deep heavy duty talk from AC to CU. vERY INTERESTING


Listing to recording : Great Call.


Icame in a few minutes late. Steve was talking about the rule of man,bicameral mind,mysticism & leaving that behind to move into the future.
Kay came in with her meditation.
Charlie titled his session “Individuality” stressed the importance of becoming independent rather than dependant internally in all you do. Prepare yourself.
Closed talking about Iness (sense of self) and ended with a little about cures and aging before opening up Q&A.
Good session, mentors.

Great Call

Great Call

Power Call

I listing to the recording , great integration. Over the last four year of integrating the literature I know with in me honesty is the key. There is no Savior coming. I have learn early on if you think you can’t or you think you can it your think that make it so. Great integration

Powers & Breakthrough to Enlightenment Con’t

Started out with Wikipedia posts & positive successes there. Encouraged to continue. Moved into “Breakthrough to Enlightenment”. Discussed mysticism, authority,leadership & FNE’S. INCREASING
more positive internal awareness.
Did meditation session with Kay (very good) Then Charlie opened great presentation on Right Brain vs. Left Brain & ended with open discussion. Thot
mmeeting was excellent

Powers Call

I list to the recording. Wonderful integrations ,Kate that was beautiful!!!!


Mentors Steve and Charlie were excellent.Talked about
more rights being taken away
by gov’t (Obama) for control.
Discussed posting on Wikipedia.
28th amendment. Exress
opinions.Make phone calls, write letters,go to
Appreciate & love inner self.
Meditate with Kay.Good.