Monday, February 24, 2025

Prime Law

If something takes value away instead of puting value in it won’t get past the Prime Law. The PRIME LAW is the Prime weapon that Kills the beast(rule of man)

C of U

In the ac it seems like almost everyone can’t agree on anything. What a great difference when we get to the C of U! How wonderful will it be when everyone has like minds! I change my saying from I will do it to I am doing it. Great call on 6/3!

The 9th and 10th Steps

The 9th and 10th Steps
(After Neothink World Summit)
(1:40 AM May 28, 2012)

We touch the 10th Step
The ten is after
The Triple Trinity
We are standing tall
Standing proud and pure
Upon the Nine
Our shins brushing
The front edge
Of the 10th Step

Nine holds
All the energy
Of the other eight
Looking out across
The Land soon
To be fully free
The wise ones
Scattering across
Plains and mountains

In the cities
In the suburbs
In the country side
Across the plateaus
We the wise ones merge
Planting seeds of Neothink
Minds hear—gather
Creating essences
Of love ye one another and businesses

Minds elevated
As the circle of Nine
By design
Is the whole of the Zero
Of the Ten
Minds of the nine
Merge engulfing Zero
Of the Ten
Leaving the now ‘1’ President to stand-alone

We the people
With minds and creativity
Of Neothink
Spreading our knowledge
Like wild fire
Others hear the magnetic essence
Triple Trinity—Neothink
Merges as one with the people
The nine with one becomes the 10th Step
(2:20 AM, here, I thought it was finished)

Those gazing upon
The 10th Step
As the tone
Tenth Step=27/10=37
Stands between
Like the
Touched by the
Merged with the
Decorated with
For the
Of the
Knowing Neothink and holding for sharing
Sweetness of life with Jill Reed emerges and creates
2:55 AM May 28, 2012 JoAnn Cooksey Selmont

Thank You/Testimonial

Charlie and Steve I want to thank you for allowing me to express ‘me’ this past Sunday evening. I feel even more connected to everyone after I spoke giving my testimony. Again THANK YOU.


One thing I wanted to say is Joann had a very interesting presintation. I would be interested in learning more about the numbers.



In a quiet moment, when you are laid back in a recliner or on a couch or even in a chair, your mind dashes back into your earlier adult, high school or childhood days. It doesn’t know (isn’t aware) where your body is. It’s not here in the now presence. It traveled—the thoughts could have been pleasant or possibly even unpleasant. This is where CHOICE comes in.

One can choose to remember the actions and activities from before. The pleasant memories can bring joy into your now presence leaving you with a blissful relaxing feeling.

The other choice is to remember the negative—awful experiences of actions and activities whether they are yours or possibly someone else’s in regard to you. After these thoughts race through your mind, remember your mind traveled to that time frame, your feelings are not relaxed. Anxiety, resentment or even anger may be brought into your now presence.

One may ask, “Is this a desired feeling I want to allow to live inside me—my mind?” If not, there is an alternative mind choice.

When these awful thoughts occur in your now presence—ask your traveling mind, “What can I learn from this today?” A new realization may occur that, “That was yesterday/before and I am not going to allow that old experience to be in charge of how I want to feel today.”

With this new decision of desiring to feel better an action of the mind is needed.
You may think of it as a pretense if you choose, but it works.

Use your mind—gather up your old unwanted memories, keep them together (here’s where the pretense words) and mindfully throw them out (visual them leaving your hands) of your physical body—UPWARD INTO THE SKY all the while knowing it is working. At this timing there is a VOID within you that needs filling up and this is where your mind gets to be useful for you joy and happiness.

These are your feelings and feelings cannot be experienced by anyone other than yourself—your mind energy. Just think of what you feel like on a beautiful sunny spring morning. The light of the SUN—it’s amazing! Make the light, (I visual it as a small ball at the base of the back of my head as it becomes the neck) penetrate your inner self inside all your physical body. This action of the mind replaces the awful feelings of yesterday’s/before experiences and any remaining negative energy is transformed into the ideas of joy and blissfulness. (One may need to do this several times before your mind is fully trained.)

Try it, after all it’s your mind and you can do what ever you please with it and you do not need anyone’s permission or approval.

Written: February 28, 2004
By: JoAnn Cooksey S.

Repella’s talks

Hi Steve, I’m an active member and have not missed a Sunday presentation.
One thing troubles me: you mention Repellas’s Wednesday talks, but seldom, if ever, mention how to get to the site.
If it is too lengthy a process for the discussion, would you or Charlie e-mail me a step-by-step how to access his talks.
Dick connor

Five Great Meditations

5 Great Meditations

The first meditation is the meditation of love, in which you so adjust your heart that you long for the well being and welfare of all beings, including the happiness of your enemies.

The second meditation is the meditation of pity, in which you think of all beings in distress, vividly representing in your imagination their sorrows and anxieties so as to arouse a deep compassion for them in your soul.

The third meditation is the meditation of joy, in which you think of the prosperity of others, and rejoice with their rejoicings.

The fourth meditation is the meditation of impurity, in which you consider the evil consequences of corruption, the effects of sin and disease. How trivial often the pleasure of the moment, and how fatal its consequences.

The fifth meditation is the meditation on serenity, in which you rise above love and hate, tyranny and oppression, wealth and want, and regard your own fate with impartial calmness and perfect tranquility.

Julian Jaynes book review and data connection with current conditions

My integration and in followup to this past Sunday’s call, the following is lifted from a review article I wrote with gleanings from the book “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” that might be of interest…

I first seriously studied writings by Julian Jaynes in the late 1970’s after discovering his connection that oppressive pressures from chaotic social disorganization stimulated development of new behavioral controls, and using the brain in a new method labeled as consciousness as a means for continued survival… Over the years since then, I’ve noticed that some of us human beings continually deal with oppressive burdens by doing the same type of adaptive behavior in actively discovering NEW methods of using our brain and other abilities to adapt beliefs and cultures to sustain enough personal control to continue surviving and thriving. I began wondering WHY some adapt or escape, and others don’t. This pondering led to a lifetime of observation and research into this phenomena. These observations and experiences revealed how most people who gain this self and environment control knowledge, create an elite class (who usually congregate in secret societies) and attempt to hid the knowledge from the general population. These elite then use their advanced skills to gain control over others, and manipulate others into slavery working for these elite. These elite live among us in specious perceived as valuable ordained and licensed professions such as academia, religious sects, and politicians.

My suggestions for fast comprehension of The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind is to first do overview reading of pages:

434-end of book

The following contains a quick overview I created to help me grasp his writings:

Consciousness and how to escape from bicameral confusion, BOTH must be learned by EACH NEW generation… Preceding consciousness there is a different mentality based on verbal hallucinations. Consciousness was learned after the breakdown of the bicameral mind. Consciousness is chiefly a cultural introduction, a survival mechanism learned by language and taught to others in verbal, pictorial and written forms… Consciousness is NOT the same as cognition or problem solving… The common error is to confuse consciousness with perception or sense perceptions… Perception is sensing a stimulus and responding appropriately… this happens non-consciously (like while blood cells and driving a car) … Language is not all consciousness, but consciousness is generated by language and accessed by language… Language allows use of metaphors and analogy… Words in a language anchor spatial quality of the world around us into functional space of our consciousness or mind-space regarded as the primary feature of consciousness.

Mind-space is the space which you preoptively are ‘introspecting on’ or mentality ‘seeing’ at this very moment….. Who does the ‘introspecting and seeing? … The analog ‘I’ is the second most important feature in consciousness… As the body I can move about in its environment looking at this and that, so the analog ‘I’ learns to ‘move’ about in mind-space, ‘attending to’, or concentrating or suppressing on one thing or another….

All the procedures of consciousness are based on metaphors and analogies with behavior, constructing a careful matrix of considerable stability…. Consciousness is constantly fitting things into a story, putting a before and after around any event… It is impossible to be conscious of time in an other way than as a space.

The basic connotative definition of consciousness is thus an analog ‘I’ narratizing in a functional mind-space…. Consciousness then becomes embedded in language and so is learned easily by children. There is no operation in consciousness that did not occur in behavior first. Those biologically most likely to learn consciousness are the most likely to survive and thrive…

My conclusions:

External environment of the culture into which a human being is birthed controls these factors of leaning how to consciously think, reason, and communicate with self and others…. As inferred in a foregoing sentence, other features in consciousness include: concentration and suppression; which this I consider to be under great stress within most current environments and cultures. (RE: ADD, ADHD, Autism)

Simply stated the 2 hemispheres of the human brain empowers the self to talk with the self… This self communicating and reasoning with the self gets confused in an unskilled thinker as coming from an external source… The voices sensed seemed to come from an external source. This perceived external source became labeled as ‘god’ or ‘gods”… This confused condition is referred to as the ‘bicameral civilization’ which built our civilizations (cultures) and founded the world’s religions.

The knowledge Julian provides is BOTH liberating and dangerous… Without a firm grasp of the 1776 Declaration Of Independence and 1789 adopted Bill Of Rights along with Neothink tenants – fully-integrated honest Neothinking, Prime Law, and 12 Visions, the information within Julian Jaynes’ book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, can be easily used by those WHO UNDERSTAND HOW the human brain functions and desire to control others (such as elites, politicians, gurus, church leaders) to stimulate following a path into slavery to THEIR style of elite-caused mysticism (creating problems where none previously existed and selling solutions for the problems). – The elite enslavement myths and misconception are often unquestioningly taken as fact and then repeated until they take on a life of their own (re: replicative memes).

Fortunately by comprehending the facts about the human dual hemisphere brain and methods of using it, such as for gener consciousness, the knower can escape from any oppressive condition and step into creating an ideal civilization by networking with other escapees who know how to survive and thrive.

The research of Julian Jaynes is very helpful in understanding the cause of Autism, paranoid schizophrenic, and most forms of mental/emotional illness… From comprehension then it is easy to create environmental conditions that do NOT cause these brain generated crippling malfunctions…. I strongly disagree with those who say Autism has a genetic basis… Human Genes do NOT change as fast as these ‘blame-nature’ advocates have deceived people into believing…. The condition known as Autism is growing within the U.S. population at pace far beyond what genetics could cause. Most unable to survive and thrive behavior conditions we deal with are CAUSED by environment conditions, culture-created memes, and what we ingest or allow to be introduced into the body.

I will begin with 2 ROOT CAUSES… There is a direct correlation to mental disorders with:
(1) The medical/Rx era and it’s approach to pregnancy, childbirth and currently accepted non-intimate family care of human babies.
(2) The SWIFT AWAY from agrarian extended family systems TO anti-family industrial/mining era.

Each use family-destroying methods…

Having parented 7 children to adulthood, grandmother of 21, and great grandmother of 5 (so far), some solutions observations are offered in the following paragraphs….

First I must state: I am horrified by how babies and children are abusively treated in hospitals and schools. And even more horrified that parents allow abusive treatment to happen, and even rationalize, justify, and deny damage done by elite experts.

Baby’s need to be birthed in a very calm gentle delivery and directly placed into the loving safe cuddling arms of the mother to beginning suckling at the breast (NEVER taken from the mother and placed into bright lights, warming isolate bed, and flipped around like a fish about to be butchered)…

Consider the pre-birth environment in which the baby has grown – dark, warm, cuddling safe, nutrition supplied slow and continually FROM biological processes controlled by eons of genetic survive/thrive coding… This type of calm healthy integrated environment must be sustained during a slow transition into living IN the post-birth external world.

Baby’s need at least 2 years of living in calm safe low noise home surrounding with gentle caring interactions. And be very slow exposed to exterior environment being carried-in-the-arms walks around the home and neighborhood (never locked into carrier devices or taken into busy noisy places like stores and sports events)…

The first 7 years of life must be sustained in this intimate loving family and neighborhood environment in which trust, confidence and appropriate self-protective and adaptive behaviors can be developed.

Certainly human beings are resilient, thus so far most babies seem to adapt to parental separation and complex anti-family activities to at least survive… Although few thrive in optimum health and happiness…. The rising amount of dysfunctions reveal more and more children and adults are adversely affected by currently accepted cultures. The growing amount of ADD, ADHD, diabetes and heart diseases in children and adults attest to the mental and physical damage done with currently accepted child birthing and educare methods. The ever-increasing random acts of violence in workplaces, schools, and homes attest that adaptation is really NOT happening…

It is well-past time for seriously addressing and consciously removing oppressive anti-civilization wrongs to which people have become accustomed.

Enough ranting for now about part of My Essence… revealing ideal civilization process beginning with

Cheers from Darlene Sartore in southern Indiana

Left Brain Right Brain Functions

Left Brain Right Brain Functions

Left Brain Right Brain

Uses Logic Uses Feelings
Detail Oriented Big Picture
Facts Ruled Imagination Rules
Words & Language Symbols & Images
Present & Past Present &
Math and Science Philosophy &
Knowing Believes
Acknowledges Appreciates
Order/Pattern Spatial
Perception Perception
Knows Objects Name Knows Objects
Reality Based Fantasy Based
Practical Impetuous
Safe Risk Taking