Monday, February 24, 2025

Seeing through to What Is!

Value production and value creation are the essence of happiness; we are here because of Mark Hamilton and we are continuing to learn how to see through the illusions to what is. Our country has inundated us with illusions put out by our own government, the controlling elite class through the media, newspapers, magazines, television. We have been and are still being programmed with misinformation that comes from outside authorities. We must be able to discern the information put out by that controlling elite class, our government, our parents, our teachers, anyone we allow to be an outside authority over us. We cannot let those illusions that are intentionally put out there to program us to be followers, information that is intended to keep us suppressed; we must see through those illusions and lift ourselves up to become the leader’s of this country by producing and creating the best possible values for society.

We must use our greatest asset, our minds to end the rule of man and bring forth a wealthy healthy free and safe society where everyone will have the happiness they so deserve. Do not let the controlling elite class take our dreams of happiness away from us, use your minds and think and believe in yourselves and each other. We are the group that will bring America the Twelve Visions World where everyone will have the opportunity to prosper and live happily without a government overtaxing , over regulating us, and holding us down. We must dump those external authorities as we no longer need external guidance, we have the power within our own minds to prevent politicians and bureaucrats from telling us how to live our lives. The days of following needless external authorities have come to an end. We can no longer blindly follow corrupt career politicians; no we must now replace that external authority with the internal authority of our own thinking minds.

It’s time to limit their power, with the protection only budget and limit the government’s power to a protection only service by getting Jill Reed elected president of the United States and passing her protection only budget. And Getting the Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution. We shall repeal all of the bad agenda laws and bureaucratic regulations used by gun backed external authorities and created by image seeking politicians to suppress our non-ruling class family!

Then and only then will we be able to prosper and live happily. We must not accept those common external authorities that tell us we have reached our limit and must passively except their stagnation traps. No, we are much better than that, we have broken through those external authorities, we are seeing through the media and the establishments’ agenda driven illusions to, what is! We have evolved into the Neothink mentality and are no longer guided by external authorities. No one tells us what we can and cannot do except us, the only limitations we have, are the ones we put on ourselves. Today political leaders are unnecessary because we have the ability to integrate reality and know what is and we must act on our own authority as a self-leader.

Those of us in the Neothink® society are the first group of people to act on our own authority that comes from within us. We can look out into the cosmos for answers but ultimately we must turn inward to our own integrating minds for guidance to see through to the essence of things and rely on our own minds to see what is as our authority. Do not depend on what the experts tell you, as they will deceive you, do not let the illusions used by leaders for easy money and power affect you.

A journey of no return

This is a journey of no return! I was just thinking a few days ago when when was the last time I turned on the TV? I couldn’t remember. Someone ask me what I thought about the Olympias. I asid I didn’t even know they was on. They look at me like “don’t you know anything?” I am always doing something else. I don’t miss TV. I like becoming the new me. I pay close attention to Steve and Charlie. They have good advice. They have been where I haven’t been yet. I know where I have been. I want to see where I am going!I love becomeing the person I was ment to be. Thank you

My Vision

Very nice call on the 24th. I agree with Charlie that borders between countries should not be there. I always thought they was put there just to create more problems. And why do we have to have different countries anyway? Is it just to create more wars and hate? And I love the answer Steve gave me on the clubhouses! I would like to travel around my state to help set up clubhouses. I would like to help many people become successful! I have a great desire to see my family, friends, and neighbors become healthy, wealthy, and happy. And yes Steve I will be in Chicago. And we must have a time to celebrate!

clubhouses everywhere

Steve and Charlie, thanks for working so hard and long to bring values. I wanted to ask how many more clubhouses do you see being developed by this time next year? Can you tell us your goal? I listened to the call till about 10:20 I think it was. Then I went to bed to get up early to hold down my day job. I will have to listen to the recording to find out what I missed out on. Anyway thanks again.

Powers Call

A very motivating and powerful call. on a scale of 1-10 i feel i am a 7 working on myself and being aware of the changes i must constantly work on to live a happy and prosperous life. Again, thanks Steve and Charlie for bringing to us very thought-provoking topics each sunday. There is much for us all to do in helping others to understand that the prime law is needed to change this anti-civilization to a place where we all would want to live forever. Kudos guys and keep up the great work.


The clubhouse is to socialize. Share the value of the Prime Literature. Share the value of the TVP. The objective is to economic opportunity. Bring the Neothink mentality to the masses. Reinforce the value of the TVP. And I LOVE this one: Biological Immortality!

A Perfect Place

Right now it is hard to find a perfect place. We are building a more perfect world. It will take a lot of effort. I have to work on myself everyday. I know I am flawed filled. But I can get better and better. I feel I have came a long way. I am thankful for my literature that I can read everyday and the calls I can visit everyday. Thank you for helping me.

Sunday Call

Steve Fagan’s Sunday call is the most powerful call of them all. I felt the way that Steve described the people that are apart of Neo-Think calls are acting like they are going to church. In church you go there to listen to the preacher and you say good word but nothing in your life has changed. I was in the Chicago Clubhouse and there is a lot of mysticism in the clubhouse. I am not looking for perfect people but I expect people to NOT create problems where none exists. I expect people to NOT lie on each other and use their title as a form of authority to justified their behavior. As Steve said in his call on Sunday no one can say the value that another person brings is not as important. Also I expected people in the Clubhouse to be consciously aware of themselves and their environment. I did not find that.

Neothink Powers Statement

Neothink Powers
I am A Student of Neothink Thinking

Suggestion: (to be said daily)

I, ___________, am an honest, value creator, I resist mysticism from within and reject neo-cheating from without. Therefore, I will and am giving prosperity and happiness.

Human Life and Happiness will flourish beyond my imagination.

I follow I-Ness, preserving an individual’s own sense of self.

I am a Value Creator

Integrated Honesty and consistent effort assure dominance of Neothink over mystics and neo-cheaters.

I am a conscious, rational, intelligent, action oriented person who understands reality and lives in my honesty and I have self-esteem.

I am an honest, self-supporting value creator

I create rather than usurp (seize or hold by force) values.

I am a value creator

I am an integrated independent thinker

I will flourish naturally toward open-ended prosperity and happiness by:

1. Collapsing mysticism

2. Rejecting false guilt for living honestly, productively, full, through value creating, life. An action oriented power approach life.

3. Rendering the neo-cheaters impotent.

I believe in Capitalism and Free Enterprise

I am a Neothink Value Creator

I am competing for: power, prosperity happiness and romantic love

I am ascending to guiltless prosperity, happiness and romantic love


I have came a long way in 4 years since I have been reading my literature. I don’t blow up at every little thing. People have a very hard time trying to get me mad. I smile and have a good answer. I know what thay are trying to do. It is great to know all this. This is great knowlege to have and get better and better at useing this. I feel gret after these calls. Thanks Steve and Charlie.