Monday, February 24, 2025

Inspiried by the POWERS CALL

A Wild Idea Just Came Into View

This Idea comes from the thought of everyone saying.
“Face Reality!”
We have no choice but to vote for the one who is the lesser of the Two Evils.

“Picture this I Thomas is putting in the minds who reads this!”
So that they will go to the voting booth on 11/06/2012 and weather or not JILL REED/TOM CARY is or is not on their ballots will still write on their ballots JILL REED/TOM CARY

Imagine telling everyone you know to read this!

Great Call & Thank You

Steve, Charlie,
Great call, tonight & thank you for this month’s topic: Mysticism; I didn’t realize how much mysticism I had, till I listened to last week’s call. I then stood in front of the mirror & found a lot of mysticisms, mainly after moving to where I’m living now; I listened to the call again, Friday, then started standing in front of the mirror, twice/daily. I then started looking deep inside myself, that’s why I missed Saturday morning’s call, & talked to my children of the past: my 2 yr old, who couldn’t speak, my 4 yr old, who could kinda speak, & my 6/7 yr old, who could tell me even more; my 10 yr old, kept saying, `Don’t forget me’, then did my daily things, till my nap time, where I continued looking inside myself. I’m very greatful for this & can’t wait to start on my next homework, continuing on with the current 1; see you Sunday & thanks again

Comment On Common Sense!

There are many days I thought to my self. “Could there be away for me to stir up the
people of today like Thomas Paine did to the people of his time on February 14,1776.”

I guess that’s the reason why I’ve been writing so much lately!

I’ve also been neothinking. Could there be something I can come up with to create a pamphlet
like Thomas Paine did with as mush power as his pamphlet was in 1776.

And each piece that I wrote makes my brain jump into neothink more.
Which causes me to pick up and read my visions statement written for me. By my mentor
Sue Moore from Steve Fagan & Associates and reading the Prime Literature for more

“And then it hit me!”

“We think much differently today and are faced with much more to think about then they
had to think about back then.”

Which has lead me to this conclusion!

Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel. By coming up with a magic pamphlet.

When all I have to do is hand out inspiration and give direction to the real
magic pamphlet which is Mark Hamilton’s Literature. So now I look at my writings
as little nuggets that inspire those who read them to search out the real magic nuggets in
Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature.

And then I started to neothink that “What happens then?”
I’m neothinking the clubhouses would not only be like a church but not a church could also
possible turn in to Neothink Universities teaching the Prime Literature to the Masses.

Written by TKS

Can Anyone Put A Face On Genius!

Can anyone put a face on genius. Sure there were many intelligent people throughout our history. But I’m talking about the genius who drove humanity to cause the rise for a wealthier Healthier Peaceful Society. I can put a face onto many people throughout our history.

So here is a few names so to show you I’m not full of BS:

1)2400 Years ago there was Socrates considered one of the best philosophers of our world.And left society the greatest political message.

(Society and its citizens must live by its rule of law… as did Socrates at the cost of his own life…The law however,had better be flawless-law or society will lose its greatest benefactors and values.)

As Athens lost Socrates

2)James J Hill Empire Builder of the Northwest(Railroad Mogul) He was instrumental in developing the region of the United States between the Great Lakes and the Pacific Northwest.

3)Julian Jaynes born in Massachusetts in 1920.He attended Harvard University received his bachelor’s degree from McGill University and his Master’s and Doctoral degrees in psychology from Yale University. Dr Jaynes lectured in the psychology department at Princeton University from 1966 to 1990. He later redirected the scope of his thinking
and energy to the stud of human consciousness, culminating in his groundbreaking and only published book. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
which was nominated for the National Book Award in 1978.
The book is considered by many to be one of the most significant and controversial books of the twentieth century.

4)Mark Hamilton History has not begun its biography of these genius for he is still a work in progress but I believe this genius has created a crossroads for humanity to once again prosper and I also believe the prosperity will leap to new heights like the world has never seen. Safety and security that will bring peace like nothing the world has ever seen.

Which bring me here!

What do these words mean to you?

And do you have them in your life?


“unprecedented-wealth & health”






To me these words are my FREEDOMS

FREEDOM to experience that millionaire-phenomenon

FREEDOM to experience real happiness

FREEDOM to experience real love

FREEDOM to experience real safety

FREEDOM to experience real security

FREEDOM to experience real peace

And those who are responsibility for the loss of OUR FREEDOMS.

“IS US!!!!”

For electing Career Politicians instead of electing HONEST BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN. For electing on the bases of one being the lesser of two evils.
All career politicians eventually become corrupt and evil that is the nature of the beast.
That is why they use initiatory force in the governing body, That is how they rule us.




“GO TO!”



Written by TKS

Common Sense!

I think Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Pamphlet is as relevent then and more so today!
But that is not why I support the Twelve Visions Party. The reason why I support the
Twelve Visions Party is because of the Prime Literature and the Prime Law and the
Neothink Society and the like minded people who are owners of this Prime Literature take
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense to a whole new level called neothink and if you don’t know
what that means maybe it is time you learn and here is a good place to start your
research. After reading Thomas Paine’s Common Sense go to

PAMPHLET 3rd Edition
“These are the times that try men/women souls”

Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not YET
sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favour; a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT, and raises at first a formidable outcry
in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.
As a long and violent abuse of power, is generally the Means of calling the right of it in question (and in Matters too which might never have been thought of, had not the Sufferers been aggravated into the inquiry) and as the King of England hath undertaken in his OWN RIGHT, to support the Parliament in what he calls THEIRS, and as the good people of this country are grievously oppressed by the combination, they have an undoubted privilege to inquire into the pretensions of both, and equally to reject the usurpation of either. In the following sheets, the author hath studiously avoided every thing which
is personal among ourselves.
Compliments as well as censure to individuals make no part thereof. The wise, and the worthy, need not the triumph of a pamphlet; and those whose
sentiments are injudicious, or unfriendly, will cease of themselves unless too much pains are bestowed upon their conversion. The cause of America is in a great measure the cause
of all mankind. Many circumstances hath, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all Lovers of Mankind are affected, and in the Event of which, their Affections are interested. The laying a Country desolate with
Fire and Sword, declaring War against the natural rights of all Mankind, and extirpating the Defenders thereof from the Face of the Earth, is the Concern of every Man to whom Nature hath given the Power of feeling; of which Class, regardless of Party Censure, is the AUTHOR.

P. S. The Publication of this new Edition hath been delayed, with a View of taking notice(had it been necessary) of any Attempt to refute the Doctrine of Independence: As no Answer hath yet appeared, it is now presumed that none will, the Time needful for getting such a Performance ready for the Public being considerably past. Who the Author of this Production is, is wholly unnecessary to the Public, as the Object for Attention is the DOCTRINE ITSELF, not the MAN. Yet it may not be unnecessary to say, That he is
unconnected with any Party, and under no sort of Influence public or private, but the influence of reason and principle.

Philadelphia, February 14, 1776

Remember Thomas Paine and those of his time didn’t have to deal with Career Politicians wrecking our monetary system with a run away deficit climbing 2 to 3 million dollars every minute!
If our forefathers were alive that includes Thomas Paine and had to deal with the events of today They wouldn’t be calling for revolution they would be supporting the Twelve Visions Party just like me and my like minded neothink brothers and neothink

Republican National Convention Pin

Wow what a day this is turning out to be as I take care of my Aunt today I had decided to thumb through my local newspaper. And this is what I saw a photo of a persons Republican National Convention pin. On that pin are a depiction of George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, and one other person that I cannot figure out who it is. And the caption goes like this.
Original Right wing Extremists.

Which now creates questions for me!

Was George Washington a demarcate or republican?

Ans:Neither at that time those two parties did not exist and there was no left or right wings.It was federalist and anti-federalist parties at that time

Do you know how many signature are on the document called
In Congress, July 4,1776
The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to, should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men
are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of the ends,it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and institute new Government laying
its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form,as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Ans: 56 signatures and there is a whole lot more to this document.

Anyway let’s get back to that pin

Those three men on the Republican National Convention Pin only one had signed the document but all three are considered Original Right Wing Extremists

And it seems to me that all 56 signature have a common denominator.
which now leaves me to think that it is THE EXTREMIST WHO WE NEED TODAY
To help the people in the event that the people believe in altering or abolishing it
government and institute new Government laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form,as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
safety and Happiness

And the only party in existence that is trying to do that and so much more is the
Twelve Visions Party

Please don’t take my word for it educate yourself do some research and go to

Where do you stand?

Where do you stand in America?
I stand for Honesty Love And making all the citizens in America rich including the poor.

Do you believe in America?
Yes I do and I believe in the people as well

Do you Love America?
Yes I do. That is why I fighting to take her back.

Is America a prosperous country?
It was once and it can be again if we stop the madness.

Do you think the Government is doing the right thing for America?
My answer is NO.I think the politicians are making things better for themselves.
And ruining it for the rest of us

What do you think about the Taxes in America?
There should be no taxes.
The Government should be run like a business.

How did the politicians become a Ruling Class?

They became a Ruling Class because the people are no longer involved in Politics.

Do we still have the freedoms our forefathers created for us?
No our politicians are stealing them from the us.

Are we still the best country in the world?
It is still better then any other country.
But I also believe it could be much better if only Americans take back control of Government

Do you think terrorist are ruining our country?
I think our politicians are doing a better job then the terrorist in ruining our country.

Who should we fear the most? Terrorist or our own Government?
I believe the only thing we have to fear is out of control Government.

Who is destroying our monetary system?
Our very own Polticians.

What do you think is America’s best chance at recovery

Is it Demarcates?
Is it Republicans?

I say it’s the Twelve Visions Party.
I believe the Twelve Visions Party is the only party willing to make all the people rich including the poor the elderly.

The Demarcates and Republicans are offering Illusions and Lies
They are not will to make a change for the better because it will take from their lavish life styles.

How can we fix America?

First thing we need to do is get off the couch!
Second thing we need to do is take back control from a run away Government!
And the only way to do that is electing the Twelve Visions Party’s Write in Candidates Jill Reed/Tom Cary.

Do yourself and America a favor and do some research!
Read the demarcates platform
Read the republicans platform
Ha! Ha! that was a joke because if you try to read the platforms from either of the two parties demarcates and republicans you will first need a tractor trailer and a lawyer
and an interpreter and months to go through them so you can understand what their platform is all about. And I think you will still be confused.

But the Twelve Visions Party’s platform is so simple to read and you don’t need a tractor trailer or lawyer or an interpreter.

Find out for yourself by going to
And check out the Twelve Visions Party Candidates Jill Reed/Tom Cary By going to

“What happened to our Giant Leap for Mankind?”

“What happened to our Giant Leap for Mankind?”

What happened to our giant leap for mankind? It was impeded by career politicians.

“And now you must be asking how was that done?”

The career politicians found away to steal funds from other places in the Government to create an illusion for us and called it a program for Social Good!

Now you must be asking.”Why did they do that?”

They created an illusion for us that they are doing good things for society.
But clearly they are using those funds to buy everyone’s vote.

“Can’t you see Rule of Man here?”

When buying your vote gives them reelection fever which results in bad mouthing the other guy to win your vote through another illusion that they will make things better for the
middle class.

There is no Middle Class!

Honestly that is an illusion! There is only two classes in society!
Which is the Elite Class and the Suppressed Class!

And if you are not in the 1% you are not in the Elite Class!

Fact is your in the Suppressed Class!

What will it take to awaken those who are still asleep so they can see that doing nothing will cause our lives to go down the toilet!

Look the career politicians maybe at fault here but the fact is your letting them get away with sending our lives down the toilet!

Wake up face reality!!

The two party system is content to take us down the toilet.
Because they believe they will not be touched.
Remember this they are so good at creating illusions they have fooled themselves thinking they will not
be touched when they send us down the toilet.

I have faced reality an our only hope in getting to the next Leap for Mankind is thinking out of the box and changing direction!

And the reality of things is that America will crash if we continue with a two party system!

While facing reality we must come to a decision to stay with the two party system which is taken us down the toilet.
Change Direction as we challenge the two party system by voting for a new way and cause a crossroad for humanity from going into tyranny and the dark ages all over again. By voting for the Twelve Visions Party’s Presidential Candidates Jill Reed/Tom Cary!

They honestly have the key to unlock our next Leap for Mankind that Armstrong spoke of!

Make an honest effort to do a little research before you go to the polls and vote!

By making an informed decision we all win!

So get informed by going to


Please make an informed decision so we don’t go down the toilet!!

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that there are crossroads in History?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that at each crossroad humanity leaped closer to the lives they were
meant to live?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that humanity was oppressed until O-1000AD?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that it wasn’t until 1215AD when the first crossroad in History happened?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that is was the Magna Carta that helped humanity to leap forward closer to
the lives they were meant to live?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that the Rule of Man came back to impede humanity’s progress?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know the second crossroad happened in 1787AD?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that the U.S.Constitution was the second crossroad that cause humanity to
leap forward closer to the lives they were meant to live?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that Rule of Man came back again to impede humanity’s progress once more?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that our next crossroad is approaching us at this very moment?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know our next crossroad is a 3000 year old secret?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know the 3000 year old secret is called the Prime Law?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know the Prime Law is backed by the Twelve Visions Party?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that the Twelve Visions Party Presidential Candidates are Jill Reed/Tom Cary?

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

Do you know that on November 6 2012 if you vote Demarcate or Republican humanity will
not make the next crossroad to leap humanity once again to the life they are meant to

“If you didn’t know!” “You do now!”

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of watching the Elite Class live a lavished life
style while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet!

It is time we all enjoy life! Live the lives we were meant to live!

And we can cause the next crossroad to happen to better the lives for everyone not just
a Few Elite Class!

And all we need to do is go to the voting booth on November 06,2012 and Write in
Jill Reed/Tom Cary and then help her to make the Prime Law an amendment to the U.S.
Constitution so the Rule of Man can never come back again to impede humanity progress

But you still have time to do some research go to and check her out!
And go to and read the Prime Law and so much more!

I’m excited to see the wealth health and peace come back to America like the world has
never seen or known before!


As We Wake Up Each Morning

As we wake up each morning and go through our daily routine we go through this life with
blinders on.
How many of us really know what is happening to our America?
My guess is that we are distracted by our daily routine the kind that makes zombies of
us. So it brings me to more questions.
Where is the passion for a better way of life for not just a few but for everyone?
Is life that mundane that the passion for life is gone in just a few hundred years?
Where is the passion that changed the course of our history.
We are faced with the same destructive power our forefathers faced when gaining our
Independence from a King or you can call it the Rule of Man they’re the same thing.
All we did was get rid of a tyrant 3000 miles away from a tyrant 3 mile away.
Make no mistake it did not happen while our forefathers were alive.

My thought is that it was President Wilson in the early 1900s signing into law the
Federal Reserve Bank is when we traded tyrants

And today there is to much finger pointing on both sides of the fence and no one is
willing to stand up against corruption because they are corrupt.
“You can not clean house when the mop is dipped in dirty water!”
And because of the corruption I see these days I can’t believe how anyone can say that
either parties who are both responsibility for bringing us to this point in our history that
started in 2008 is going to get us out of this situation they have put us in.

“Look they put us in this situation for a reason!”

“And if you don’t know!”

“Then shame on you for not asking why?”

“And who the hell am I?”

“I was once exactly where you are right now 4 years ago!”

Today I’m a new man! I think much different then I use to.
I’m all about a better way of living.
Called Living Honestly with Passion for Love and Peace and Prosperity For all!”
“Including the Poor!”

And there is a society I’m sure you are unaware of called the Neothink Society.
And of the thousands of things I have learned is that there is a difference between
“Honesty and Truth!”
“Find the definition between the two and learn for yourself weather or not you want
to hear “Truth or Honesty!”

“Tell me the Truth and I will listen with closed ears!”

“Talk honestly and I will listen with open ears!”

Now you must be asking how did the Neothink Society changed my life?

“First off they found me!””That day I will never forget for the rest of my life!”
It is not only an amazing Society of like minded people with a common denominator of
making all the people rich including the poor.
We are all owners of the Prime Literature by author Mark Hamilton.
To me the Prime Literature are my Heirlooms to pass down to my offspring.
And to me they are the best self help literature on earth!
4 years ago I was going nowhere fast unaware of what was happening to my America much
less think it was my very own politicians who were executing the disaster that happened
in 2008.

So now the Neothink Society has given everyone another choice.
And that choice is a Grass Roots Movement called The Twelve Visions Party
Our Presidential Candidates are “Write In Candidates Jill Reed/Tom Cary!”
Go to and check them out and decide for yourself.
Voting for Jill Reed /Tom Cary and making the 3000 year old secret called The Prime Law
and make it an amendment to the U.S,Constitution and things will change our Political
Structure to a Protection Only Business Structure. A get out of the way Government that
will cause our standard of living to rise to new heights we have never experienced before.

And with doom looming in the distance we can not be thinking “Demarcate or Republican?”

“We should know!””And when you know you make an informed decision as to who will get us out
of this madness and the one who speaks honestly will do that for us! And the only honesty I
hear today is coming from Jill Reed’s Campaign! And if you don’t know this you should.
All you need to do is a little research and you will know what I know.
“And if you do!”
“Then go here and learn for yourselves!”