Monday, February 24, 2025


Yesss Jerrr! What a wonderful world you created for this neothink family. You struck a nerve that made dry bones shake.
When it say I Quote: He who seeketh shall findeth, and He who knocketh at the door, it shall open. The thing is that we are here because we’re seekers.
Thank yuo all!!!

Modern Ideas on Darwin Theory of Evolution

Thanks Tom,glad to hear your reading tonight.




Charles Darwin/Burial/Plot

Westminster Abbey
Greater London, England
PLOT: The North Choir aisle, close to Sir Isaac Newton (Thank-you Tom this presentation was simply spectacular you were Amazing!!! I Love Charles Darwin,and have to agree with the common denomitaor MARK HAMILTON I wish I lived that Journey on the U.S. Beagle

conecing expiriance NSST

The power that is in the Sunday night calls the grace I have experienced the 10 SM now it is real. As yet to be on a call I will work out the time zones & be involved . thank you for your generous spirits the work in this beautiful world is like The the law of gravity the intricacies of how everything is connected in attraction by mass with the power & control the curves space we all affect each other yes the individual is the sum of the parts cells of the body of the CoU I love you & now feel loved this is my engine my currency love. that is what you have given me the some of the parts the one-ness the I-ness of who I am thank you for your refection of who you are the we the universal I us Thank you all my family for your selves your specialness. this year I rose above tradision and gave myself a holiday from allowing the oppinion of other dictate to me who I am. I did not have Christmas I had me time Dream day of the present the eternal now the constant movement of existance the music of movment Today is now I love you all with pure love & am now expiriancing this wonder that is life the song of Zon To me that is a wonderful name for the joy that is now (THE SONG OF ZON) which is Rosh Hashana Shavuot Yom Kippur Succot Shemini Atzeret all combined Shalom Mogatog Shalac Peter

12-9-12 call

I am always excited when it is Sunday night because of the Powers call. I do need to get more involved and volunteer. I would like to be involved with one or more of the Vitual clubhouses. I also would be very excited to help out wherever I can. Please let me know. I would be very excited to get more involved.

What IZ

So sorry that I had to leave early guys.
Tonight was great. Before money, love prosperity and, happiness even entered my mind. What made me hungry for the truth? Was the thought of who was this that know so much about me that made the story told scary but, after seeing what is called the other side I wanted to see the ligt and know the truth of. What is life? As I continued to fight the weight of these heavy books of life to read. I continued to see my-
self within the pages that made me want to see what was the the meaning of life witch I now realize that life it the Twelve Visions.

In the book of the 3000 Year Old Secrete
It spoke to me that not a few but, everyone left thier wheel chairs and, hospital beds behind never to return. What I was seeing within these great books was making me hungry to see what was really going on with me, and befor all the books, I began with the Kevin Tredau Cd’s that prepared me for the big screen and, witch I mean The lititure. Guys at this moment I am fighting a true and, real battle with my situation and, I continue to fight the blocks that stumble my path to completeion witch my journey resides. The brawl with man befor the battle with my now situation make me want to fight even harder for what is right and, that’s the honest trut. It found me so let it be to use me where I am to last until the end because I love life to much.

Love Make Mericle Happen

What I was meaning to say on tonight’s call was. That Love, an illustonarry love from the A/C world will cause a neothinker to turn from the lititure and drown in sorrow by putting pure love into that one who think’s with thier pocket and, not their heart. The question was, How can one leave the pool of sorrow and, come back to the house of love: By remembering when Neothink* first entered thier life to teach us how to think up the romatic lover of our life and feel that feeling all over again (Then Hit The Books. Sombody love you, because sombody cares.

Thinking of love, that / J.M. Ms A.
and her students, snapped a picture in my mind seeing them looking at peoples that was once here physically in bodies that one would have to see to, reconize that person. Sally saw her mom that it scared her yet, it also made her so happy that she covered her mouth screaming into a happy dance, then cring, they all cried with joy and, while this moment last I am seeing the same to indulge myself to feel the same joy (THE LOVE). Wow what a beautiful feeling, thank you. (A Ten Sec Mericle)


I would like to be known for the solutions I find. Not the problems I create. Thank you Steve and Charlie for your great Mentoring. Maybe some day you can be as proud of me as I am of you.

Take Control

Charlie & Steve Great session tonght. You gentlemens really put a lot of information out there that really put me in control of my thinking, and you’re right it’s not just knowing the information and setting around with it, get out and talk to peoples about it. I am all about the ten foot rule myself, it do noy matter to me it can be 20 foot I got wheels, but thanks you guys

9-23-12 sunday call

I was hearing the sunday call and i was also hearing a lot about thoughts and how people think well i have something to share from a book called as a man thinketh so this is not from me this is from the book it self Just as gardener cultivates his polt keeping it free from weeds and growing the flowers and fruits which he requres so may a man tend to the garden of his mind weeding out all the wrong useless and impure thoughts and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right useful and pure thoughts By pursuing this process a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul the director of his life he also reveals within himself the law of thought and understands with ever increasing accuracy how the thought forces and mind elements operate in the shaping of his character cirumstances and destiny.