Monday, February 24, 2025


Thanks for such great calls..I do have a teensy problem however. The calls are sooo in-synch, what I write for one could very easily apply to all the calls. The calls are so intertwined, at times it can be daunting to know when one call ends and another begins. I love it. The consistency of the calls is just amazing. I am so grateful to be a part of the calls, and I am growing by leaps and bounds. Thank you mentors. You have set a benchmark and a half for
those of us with you on this magnificent journey


Steve & Charlie, Great presention on Zon Power. WEll explained. Thank You.


It was great presention on Stagnation breaking mentality.His implimention made think and look within at my own stagnations. Thank You.

31 Mar 13

I truly enjoyed tonight’s presentation regarding stagnation. I felt the passion of Scott and his admonitions on being aware. His nuggets were spot on, and as I said on the call, for members
who just wall sit, this was a true smite. It was the wake up call, many needed.

3/24 Call Reaction

This night’s call was another good one. It dealt with becoming the people we are striving to become – “Zons” if you will – who control our own destiny and the self-doubt that often holds us back from that goal. Many of us dreamed as children. Many of us got away from that in the world we are in but not really a part of. Many of us have found that it costs a lot to chase a dream, but it costs even more to give it up, so we are back to chasing our dream again.

One statement Mark Hamilton has made in his writings that I have experienced is that if success came down simply to effort, most would succeed because they would be willing to put forth the effort needed. But effort is not enough – you have to know what to do to get to success and how to implement what you have to do to get there. To get success, one has to discover what their limitations are and remove them. Self-doubt may be the biggest limitation of all.

As a person who suffers from chemical depression and ADD, I am very aware of self-doubt. My conditions can sometimes leave me very discouraged and become problems that cuase other problems. I had a very bad stress-related memory lapse not too long ago and I was grateful to have a mentor who reminded me that we are never at the mercy of anything. True, perhaps we can’t control whatever it may be, but we are in complete control of how we react to it. That has helped me as I continue to press on and realize my own business and fully become the self-leader and value creator I am striving for. I still struggle with self-doubt at times but am still moving forward and was grateful for this call.


As I stated last Sunday, it is going to take all of us, to make the change. This week we are going to get the ball rolling. What an exciting experience, to be involved at the beginning of the next EVOLUTION of the development of civilization, as we know it. With the guidance of the Neothink blueprint, we will be successful. But, we have to move forward with the gathering momentum to actualize what Mark Hamilton visualized. Lex


Steve & Charlie, it a great presention, On the subject of mystism. I’m progressing with the challenge more everyday. That was great introduction into Zon Power,Thank You.


Without a doubt, after the emotional inspiration that was radiated & felt by everyone on tonight’s call, we can accomplish putting the TVP into place. We MUST keep the momentum moving forward. As was indicated during the presentation, many can make the task easier, rather than a few. Thank you you guys for the inspiration, & guidance. Love you all, Lex

3-10 Powers Call Reaction

I have to confess I did not know of this outlet and have not posted on it as a result. But I have been made aware and tonight’s Powers Call, which was about reaction to Steve and Charlie’s first New York Clubhouse and deprogramming from mysticism, ties in to the Neothink journey I have had so far.

A few years ago I was dying in the anticivilization world many of us have come to see for what it is. I could no longer deny it as my health was failing from what my life had become. I could not carry on as I was; I would have to make some hard choices.

I got a letter from Mark Hamilton inviting me into the Neothink Society and I followed up on it and began to purchase books he and his father, Frank R. Wallace, had written. Times were very hard for me, but I somehow managed to get every one I was offered. Things did not change for me right away, but I could see there was a lot that was valuable in all this and kept reading and doing my best to soak up all I could.

A little over a year later, I got an invitation to a Neothink summit in Chicago. It was very hard to go, both financially and there were some scars and hurts I had to get past, but I did. As I look back, it was a seminal event for me because it introduced me to the Society and I met several people who have helped me to realize the Neothink literature in my own life, and they continue to. Of all the chains in my life that were killing me a few years ago, I have broken all but one, and I am working on that one.

On the call tonight, everyone who spoke urged everyone to try to get to these gatherings for many different reasons. Although I was not able to make this one, I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment. I have only been able to make one such meeting and my life has never been the same, and it has been a change for the better. This Neothink stuff is the real deal, and if you’ve got it you need to go for it.


Steve, Charlie & Elaine B.
Just tonight, March 1st, I listened to the February 17th Call. I felt so totally filled with LOVE–even physically. I know there is love among us, but ‘FEELING IT PHYSICALLY’ as I did tonight was a very new and comforting feeling. (This was the day I took an ambulance ride for a 2-day stay in the hospital, thinking I was having a heart attack. [‘A possible mini-stroke’ I was told.])

I also felt that LOVE & HEALING energy at that moment while in the hospital, shortly afterward my left arm began to function after many hours of it being ‘out of order’. THANK YOU–THANK YOU I can’t say it enough for all that I received.

Elaine, I love you so dearly and this call of everyone’s ’emotions’ was very remarkable; to me it just drew everyone closer to each other. THANK YOU for one of the best calls.

With LOVE & GRATITUDE to all, it is Goodnight time for me, JoAnn