Sunday, February 23, 2025

Clubhouse October 27

I went to the Clubhouse of Vincent Gonzalez. There were only two of us there. It was more of free discussion. Questions were asked and answered and discussed. Each Clubhouse can be considered as a part of the growth process. People come to the
Clubhouses from all different levels and for different reasons. We all have this need to change and grow. Some are just curious. I am starting the importance of the Clubhouses.

I’m at a ten with my god-man mentality.

Even though I broke through I still enjoy listening to your call.

Entrepreneuria Numbersl

1 Introduction
2 My History
3 Company Capture Secrets
4 Prime Cure Quotes
5 Business Information
6 Seven Steps
7 Business Plan Process
8 Business To Build
9 Marketing Research
10″Grow” Your Profitability
11Management Process
12″Good” Entrepreneur
13Shattering Myths
14Business Plan
15Your Basic Tool
16Forms Of Ownership
17Evaluating Your Risks
18The Five”F’S”
20Planning Process
22Customer Service
23Ten Tips
24Smashing Myths
27Break A Promise?
28Customers Leave When…
29Why Customers Leave
30Twelve Rules

Sunday Arts Call

I listened to the Sunday Arts call today. I had a Clubhouse Meeting this Sunday afternoon so I was busy. It is Tuesday night and I was listening to the replay. I would not have thought that some subjects would have been talked about. It was very interesting and I plan to listen in and be a part of next Sunday’s call.

Powers Call – October 20, 2013

I must say how surprised I was to here my testimonial on the call. It it so nice to be recognized for what I said. I did not have that growing up. It is new to me. I admit that I did not like Science in high school. Biology was the highest science class in high school for me. I did not connect Science classes with life. I now know that that is not true. I just stayed away from altogether. Only here in the Neothink Society can that connection be made in so many different ways. The things we take for granted in every day life are all connected to Science. I had absolutely no interest in Science in high school or college. When Steve Fagan said how we don’t use “that space between our ears,” it really hit home. I realized how lazy I had become in my own life. I am finally making a few integrations. My unhapppiness in life is a direct reflection of my own laziness. I also realized just how the education system does not teach students concepts. It finally hit me. If all schools taught like Miss Annabelle we would all be different today. I am not presently a value producer or a value creator. I now know that I can change that. I am no longer willing to settle for less in life. I am the one who has to do the work to make it happen. The good news for me is that I am not doing it alone. I am very fortunate to have this opportunity. I am now on Level 2. When I returned home tonight, I found my Level 2 meeting. I did it last night. I honestly feel changes in myself and I know that I have a long way to go. I will do it. I went to the Clubhouse today and it was very interesting. These clubhouses only exist here in the society. Thank you everyone for your love and support and respect given. I am now looking forward to continuing this journey here in the Society.

Panel of Mentors

As I was listening to Steve and Charlie tonight, I realized how far I really have to go. It’s nice to be able to talk to people who freely express themselves in today’s world. Listening to the panels’ histories of their lives, I can see a little of my life in everyone. Having an imagination is key to growing as a person and being able to dream about a better life, a life each on of us can and has to do for the good of everyone, including myself. The I-ness talked about is what is lacking in today’s world. We have to be able to take of ourselves before we can do for others. We live in a world where we are the taught the opposite to the detriment of everyone. We all need to be conscious of all our thoughts, actions and efforts towards ourselves and others. I include myself in “we.”
My lack of self esteem in my life has kept me from being self supporting and creating value and taking action. I no longer can accept my life as it is and feel the need to take action. Now that I have the tools to know what to do and equally important to know what not to do, I can grow in every way in my life. Thanks to all the efforts of Mark Hamilton and everyone else who take the time to care about others and the world we live in, change is possible and very necessary. I am grateful to be a part of a society where I have the opportunity to do this.

Response to Bible allegations

I must address the allegations made by a certain caller tonight that would seem to imply that those who did not agree with him must not have read the Bible.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but I can say I have read the Bible through at least ten times. For many years I made a point to read it through every year, and I read several translations. I respectfully disagree with his viewpoint not because I do NOT know the Bible, but because I took the time to study it, knew it very well at one point to where I could quote chapter and verse, and remember the core concepts very well. I would respectfully suggest to the caller who made a point to say he had read the Bible five times and staunchly holds that he is in the right place and others are not, that perhaps there are some who disagree with him not because they are ignorant of what he holds to be true, but because they have studied and experienced it – and found that it is not what is claims to be and it is no longer for us.


Tim H.

My Feelings with Powers Call

Hi Steve, Charlie & Everyone, I work in the anticivilization, then come home to these 7 mentor calls, it becomes all worth while cause I’ve come home. Powers call is a beautiful call it gets me to think and Think Hard. So a big Thanks to You Steve and Charlie and all the members that attend. Cause you all this is where I really Grow Big Time. Love to ALL Carol of Montana

Civil unrest

Hello,I haven’t been up to date with everything on the Neothink Society/TVP news and discussions for some time now.I’m out of touch.I’ve been seeing everything clamping down in the United States very rapidly and how it’s all connecting with Martial Law and foreign troops landing (Russian’s,U.N.) and more foreign troop’s (Chinese) camping out in Mexico,and I’m wondering if anyone know’s about the civil unrest and chaos coming,is it sooner than I think?I know it’s been coming for year’s but is it now just a few week’s away,a couple of year’s maybe?please email me back,thank you.

To Elaine Bennett

Hello Elaine

First I want to apologize for leaving the Powers call because of a family emergency.
And for not stepping up to express earlier how you made me feel last night on the powers call.
And I will tell you! That before hearing your voice and even though I had a clubhouse meeting earlier in the day. I had fallen off the NEOTHINK Wagon and was hanging on by a thread. For I had realized I was doing a lot of finger pointing not quite sure where that all came from the fact is I had done a lot of it. So much so that the finger pointing turned inward. I surely
didn’t expect that to happen. And I admit I didn’t much like it at all! But it was in your sweet voice that got my mind stimulated again. I started thinking that finger pointing was a
waste of time and energy. Finger pointing never solved anything.
And it stops one from moving forward because of being to busy pointing fingers.
I’m also thinking that everyone of us including our leaders are caught up in this anti-civilization we find our selves in. And I’m also thinking that even though we had lots of geniuses throughout history none geniuses enough to get us to the
Civilization of the Universe. And I’m also thinking probable most of our leaders are caught
up in. Not Knowing What They Don’t Know like the rest of us. It is in your sweet voice of reason that caught a brother and saved him from himself. And your brother thanks you with all his heart for being you the voice of reason.
I know it’s going to be difficult for me to stop pointing my finger. I’m really going to work hard at doing something else with my hands so I don’t do anymore finger pointing. And I also know you stimulated everyone on the powers
call last night even Steve Fagan himself.