Friday, March 7, 2025

Sunday Powers Call

Wow, Linda, Icame in late & couldn’t wait to hear it on the replay; wow, inspirational, very powerful & brought tears to my eyes, while I was listening to it. You brought me into a new plane, as well as, took away a couple of Mysticisms that I had; I couldn’t take notes, due to your testimonial, so I listened while answering my e-mails, then went to Lady Liberty’s EarthCam, where I just paid even close attention to what you were saying. Even thought, I tried to write down, your sayings, I couldn’t wait till you posted it, so I could copy it, save it, then print it, so I can add it to my wallet. I’ll also be adding it to my LiveJournal & my Myspaces, so it may inspire others, the way it did me.
You’re an inspiration & can’t wait for more.

Tapestry of Thought

Let me start off by saying how truly humbled and honored I feel to have had the opportunity to speak and share with all of you, how I came to be here in the Society. As I stated, we all weave our own tapestry of life.

As promised here is the postscript of my presentation.
” There is no end–only a future!
Through the wormhole to the Apocalypse
(Greek meaning-a truth revealed, becoming manifest)-OUR POWER-The power of thought is much lkie the Lotus Flower which blooms and seeds simultaneously. We create and or destroy with our minds- We’ve seen the negative or destructive made manifest in divorce,abortion, disrespect, and a general disregard for life –All Life.
We see the positive made manifest in beauty, art, culture, and business.
SO POWERFUL are we, that a Coronal Mass Ejection is as a matchstick! Hear the song of life and creation, All phenomena are the manifestation of cause and effect-the immutable law of the universes–I add the esses because we each create our own universe, it is when we unite or merge with the universal consciousness do we shine.

I AM, I CAN, I WILL, be, do , go, have,
anything,anywhere, at anytime, that I CHOOSE! For anyone or anything to defeat me, is for me to let them-and that ain’t happening”.
As always, I bid each of you peace,love and prosperity, now and forever.

Sunday Arts Call

The first thing that I want to say is that I believe everyone should listen to as many mentor as possible. This Sunday Arts Call is so jammed packed with useful information and good advice and thought provoking ideas. I am learning that each Sunday Arts Call is different. The format is more relaxed and at the same time allows for many more areas of interest to be discussed. One can grow and learn with each call.

Sunday Powers Call

The speech by Linda yesterday was so powerful and full of emotions. She let all of us that she is here and nothing can stop her. She has an incredible ability to communicate so much to us. I was blown away by her strength of conviction. She is unstoppable. She will do great for herself, the Society, and the world. Congratulations on such a great speech Linda.

Sunday Powers Call

As usual, tonight’s call was great. The information presented shows how we as people are connected to each other and to the universe. It is so true that our thoughts really do affect our lives. The tools presented are also very valuable for us to know. What else it shows it how drugs and prescriptions are used against us to keep us from being the healthiest people we can be. What I don’t like is that we don’t question enough what we put into our bodies as food or drugs and everything else. We really do have to look at everything we do whether it is what we think or what we do. In order to have good health mentally and physically, it’s time to learn and change our bad habits.

Sunday Arts Call

The Arts Call is always so interesting. There is so much information given out and there is also a variety of different subjects being discussed. Everyone in the Society is so helpful and open to what people say. Thank you for your time, help and support.

Big Bang Theory

The stagnation that I used to feel in my life is now gone. It is because of the knowledge being taught on this call that continuously forces a person to think and after to grow some more. Tonight’s call can if a person allows it help him or herself start to see their place here on Earth and in the Universe as well. I know that I am still working on my FNE, but I feel a growth there. I know that the other things will happen in time. Even though I don’t know much about Science, there are things that I do understand and how we as people fit in into the Universe.

Breakthrough to Enlightenment Reflection

I am currently re-reading the Inside Secrets package, specifically Tracy Alexander’s portion where she deals with religion. I can remember how I felt as I first read this, as it was one of the first things I read and it came not too long after the first letter I received from Mark Hamilton. This section was one of the toughest to read, as I was still very mystical back then, but at the same time, it was one of the sections that I could most say about it that I had already found it to be true from my own experiences. So I kept reading and carried on and eventually met people in the Neothink Society who were very helpful and encouraging. I am grateful to have been selected to make this journey and for all the growth it has afforded me. There have been many tough times and there still are, but I cannot imagine ever going back to the mysticisms I had, or to other ways of thinking I held. I control my own destiny, despite all of my flaws and imperfections, and I am grateful for that great responsibility, and the ability to see it for what it actually is.

Artists Call

I know that I am growing and changing with every call and when I attend a clubhouse. I feel very strongly about saying this and it simply is what I feel must be said. I just finished listening to my second Sunday Artists Call. I missed it because of a Clubhouse so I have a good reason. By not listening into all the calls whenever possible, one misses a lot of very good help, sharing and understanding and GROWTH. I find something new in every call. My whole being as a person is changing a little more every day. The sadness and the negativity that I used to feel is now gone. I simply have no room for all that in my life now. Although, I am not yet a value creator or value producer, I know without a doubt that it will happen. I now look forward to each day knowing that I can really make a positive difference in my life for now and later on in other people’s lives. I received a letter in 2009. I simply was not ready for this. I wish that I had been. Thank you for this second chance. Thank you to Mark Hamilton and everyone else. This great opportunity should be welcomed by everyone. It is such a gift and a blessing in my life. Every mentor works in his or her own way. Each mentor contributes so much to each and everyone of us just starting as active members. I would encourage everyone on my level and lower to really take advantage of all the calls and the clubhouses and all the help that you cannot get anywhere else. The HUGE difference it has made in my life is something that I thought could never happen. Thank you so much to every mentor and Clubhouse for all your effort and hard work. It really means a lot to me. I hope that you do not get tired of all my testimonials as I feel that good, hard work should always be recognized. Thank you Elaine Bennett and John for all that you have done. It really is very much appreciated.

Sunday Powers Call Oct. 27, 2013

As I listen to the calls every night, I realize that there is so much to learn and to do. I know that I am doing some things, but not all. I am slowly adding more work as I go. I cannot emphasize how valuable the calls and Clubhouses are as well as the literature. There is so much more to do. Taking action and figuring out my FNE and doing the “homework.” I am back in school and I will continue to be in school for the rest of my life. There is always something more to learn and to do. I am starting to feel the exhileration that I have read about. I also know that the growth will be a continuous process. The positivity and happiness that I know is coming in the future. This occurs only through the honesty and the love and the businesses. I also feel that it is a lot of work and commitment to myself, my family and everyone else. The world that I want will happen with the help and cooperation of everyone in the Society. I know how fortunate I am to be a part of all this. As long as we are alive, we all have an opportunity to really make a positive difference and change the world for the better.